SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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Partner User for the Priority Research Program designated on December 2, 2015

The following Partner User for the Priority Research Program have been designated by JASRI.

[Designation date]

December 2, 2015

[Period of Designation]

From FY2016 through FY2017*

*It may be extended up to 5 years only when the Partner User Review Committee deems it necessary.

[List of Designated Partner Users]

1.Takahiko Sasaki (Tohoku University) / BL43IR

  1. Research Experiment: Charge dynamics in molecular materials with strongly correlated electrons studied by infrared imaging spectroscopy
  2. Collaboration for Beamline Facility Upgrade: BL43IR upgrading project and advanced research
  3. User Support: Help and support to the users using upgraded beamline facilities

Last modified 2016-02-12 09:32