Partner Users for the Priority Research Program designated on January 11, 2017
The following Partner Users for the Priority Research Program have been designated by JASRI.
[Designation date]
January 11, 2017
[Period of Designation]
From FY2017 through FY2018*
*It may be extended up to 5 years only when the Partner User Review Committee deems it necessary.
[List of Designated Partner Users]
1.Kojiro Mimura (Osaka Prefecture University) / BL09XU
(1) Research Experiment: Construction of composite measurement technology of resonant hard x-ray photoemission and resonant x-ray emission spectroscopies, for elucidating quantum critical phenomena of strongly correlated electron system
(2) Collaboration for Beamline Facility Upgrade: Development of resonant hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy
(3) User Support: Help and support to the users using upgraded beamline facilities
2.Kei Hirose (Tokyo Institute of Technology) / BL10XU
(1) Research Experiment: Novel development of high-pressure and high-temperature diamond-anvil cell experiments
(2) Collaboration for Beamline Facility Upgrade: Upgrade of multi-probe technique with X-ray diffraction under extreme conditions
(3) User Support: Help and support to the users using upgraded beamline facilities