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Trace-element analysis of Japanese antique chinawares

  • For beginners

Inquiry number



BL08W (High Energy Inelastic Scattering)

Scientific keywords

A. Sample category inorganic material, organic material
B. Sample category (detail) environmental material
C. Technique fluorescent X-rays
D. Technique (detail) trace-element
E. Particular condition room temperature
F. Photon energy X-ray (> 40 keV)
G. Target information trace element

Industrial keywords

level 1---Application area environment
level 2---Target Environmental material
level 3---Target (detail) ash
level 4---Obtainable information element distribution
level 5---Technique


A60.20 environment, A80.30 inorganic material, A80.32 organic material, A80.40 environmental materials

Body text

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses with 116 keV X-rays as an excitation source is suitable for nondestructive multielemental analyses of heavy elements such as rare-earth elements. It also should be useful for nondestructive analyses of rare-earth and heavy elements in geological, geochemical and archaeological samples as well as industrial materials. This shows a plot of intensities of Ba, Nd and Ce Ka lines. There is significant difference between three kinds of antique ceramics, made in Arita, Himetani, and Kutani. The intensities of Ba, Nd and Ce Ka lines showed significant dependence on the place of potteries.

Plot of intensities of Ba, Nd and Ce Ka lines. There is significant difference between three kinds of potteries, made in Arita, Himetani, and Kutani

Source of the figure

Bulletin from SPring-8

Bulletin title

Spring-8 News, 6 (2001)



The high-energy X-rays emitted from the wiggler and monochromatized by Si400 bent monochromator is injected to the sample. The fluorescence X-rays are detected by a Ge solid state detector.

Source of the figure

No figure

Required time for experimental setup

4 hour(s)


Instrument Purpose Performance
High energy X-ray fluorescent spectrometer XRF measurement


Document name
Spring-8 News, 6 (2001)

Related experimental techniques


With user's own instruments.

Ease of measurement


Ease of analysis


How many shifts were needed for taking whole data in the figure?

Four-nine shifts

Last modified 2019-11-22 09:12