

凝縮体の動的構造研究会 / Research Group for Dynamical Structure of Condensed Matter


氏名 山田 和芳 / Yamada Kazuyoshi
所属 東北大学 原子分子材料科学高等研究機構 / Tohoku University Advanced Institute for Materials Research
連絡先 kyamada( at )imr.tohoku.ac.jp

氏名 高木 英典 / Takagi Hidenori
所属 理化学研究所、東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 / RIKEN, Univ. of Tokyo
連絡先 h-takagi( at )riken.jp



 一方,IXSとは相補的な手段も大きく状況が変化している。中性子散乱実験も,大強度のパルス中性子源が立ち上がることで,例えば1eV領域にいたるスピン揺らぎや,格子振動の詳細な研究が可能になるであろうし,偏極中性子の利用により,磁気散乱成分の抽出精度が飛躍的に上がる可能性がある。さらに角度分解光電子分光もこの10年間で,飛躍的にエネルギーおよび波数分解能が向上し,中性子,X 線および光電子分光の3者が同じ土俵に立つにいたった。このような異なる手法が,互いに相補性を利用することで,全く新しいサイエンスへの挑戦も期待できる。このような状況を踏まえ,高分解非弾性散乱装置の,更なる有効利用,中性子非弾性散乱や光電子分光との相補的利用の方向性を引き続き探りたい。






This research group successively continues to actively promote inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) studies of the dynamical structure of condensed matter. Through intra-group discussions and exchange of information we would like to propose and perform many attractive IXS experiments, and open a new paradigm of material science. In this group we will focus primarily on lattice dynamics of condensed matter. We aim to carry out new types of experiment by applying the extremely high luminosity of synchrotron x-ray beam. In addition, we hope to study electronic dynamics such as orbiton by incorporating relevant data from other complementary probes such as photoemission, light scattering and neutron scattering etc. Furthermore, we would like to provide advice on upgrades to BL35 and will help to promote a proposal to install a new spectrometer at SPring-8 facility for new scientific frontiers.

In the second half of the 20th century, neutron scattering had a monopoly on experimental studies on both spin and lattice dynamics in condensed matter. However, momentum-resolving x-ray inelastic scattering spectrometers at 3rd generation synchrotron sources have destroyed this monopoly on lattice dynamics. Now, x-rays can study lattice dynamics, as well as or, in some cases, better than by neutrons. Furthermore, in principle, IXS can detect the momentum and energy dependence of electronic dynamics directly. Finally, angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) spectroscopy has recently achieved energy resolution down to several meV. Now, these three spectroscopic techniques have comparable instrumental resolution to investigate lattice/spin dynamics or electronic structure in condensed matter.
Among the wide variety of materials to be studied in material science, high-Tc superconductors, strongly correlated electron systems such as cuprates, manganites, and many other metal oxides and ferroelectrics, organic conductors, and disordered materials are interesting target materials. In these systems, carrier doping or band-width control induces many exotic phases, which are competing each other due to the interplay among spin, charge and lattice degrees of freedom. Therefore, the complementary use of the above mentioned spectroscopic techniques are indispensable to understand the microscopic mechanism of these phases.
In this situation, it is very timely, and will be very productive, to discuss the applicability of IXS, since this technique is youngest among many spectroscopic techniques.

The subgroup will focus to organize and promote activities relating to the measurement of the dynamical structure of materials, especially by IXS. This will include:

1) Organization of scientific meetings where IXS results, preferably in combination with other relevant results from x-ray or even non-x-ray spectroscopy (e.g. neutron, ARPES, STS, light scattering), can be discussed to encourage collaboration and complimentary use with non-x-ray spectroscopy for new sciences.

2) Encourage scientists to propose and perform the best sciences suitable for inelastic x-ray scattering spectrometer at BL35.

3) Distribution of information related to specific experimental methods, data-analysis, etc., to facilitate experiments by both experienced and new members to grow IXS science community.

4) Providing advice on upgrades to BL35 and, will help to promote a proposal to install a new spectrometer at SPring-8 facility.
