

タンパク質結晶品質評価 / Quality Evaluation of Protein Crystals


氏名 橘 勝 / Masaru Tachibana
所属 横浜市立大学 / Yokohama City University
連絡先 tachiban( at )yokohama-cu.ac.jp

氏名 吉崎 泉 / Izumi Yoshizaki
所属 宇宙航空研究開発機構 ISS科学プロジェクト室 / JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
連絡先 yoshizaki.izumi( at )jaxa.jp



The growth of high-quality protein crystals and the structure analysis by X-ray and neutron diffraction are prerequisite for the detailed understanding of the function of proteins. The accuracy of the structure analysis strongly depends on the crystal quality and the diffraction resolution. For the structure analysis by the neutron diffraction, large crystals of millimeter size are still required. The crystals with high resolution diffraction can be grown under optimized growth conditions controlled by protein concentration, precipitates, pH, temperature, etc. The high quality crystals can be also grown under microgravity and magnetic field. The evaluation of the crystal quality is important for the understanding of the relationship between crystal quality and growth condition. In addition, the understanding of the crystal quality will lead to not only practical applications for protein crystals but also the development of new discipline in solid state physics.
In this project, we aim to establish the standardization for the quality of protein crystals and the recipe for the evaluation of the crystal quality. For the experiments in Spring-8, the diffraction resolution experiments, rocking curve measurements, X-ray topographic experiments, etc. for protein crystals are stimulated for the assessment of imperfection of the crystals and the identification of crystal defects. In addition, in this project, the origins of imperfection or defects in protein crystals are comprehensively discussed with other specialists with optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy.
