

軟X線利用技術研究会 / soft X-ray experimental techniques


氏名 上田 潔 / Kiyoshi Ueda
所属 東北大学 多元物質科学研究所 / Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University
連絡先 ueda@tagen.tohoku.ac.jp

氏名 金島 岳 / Takeshi Kanashima
所属 大阪大学 基礎工学研究科 / Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
連絡先 kanashima( at )ee.es.osaka-u.ac.jp



(1) 軟X線ビームラインの計測計等の性能向上など将来計画
(2) 位置敏感型検出器を活用する測定法の効率化・高度化

(3) SR-Laser Double Resonance測定法の検討:SRとLaserを組み合わせて短寿命の内殻励起状態イオンの化学反応に関して、装置の開発も含めて検討
(4) 多価イオンと分子との2分子反応の装置の開発と研究
(5) 反応性ガスに対応した実験ステーションに改良し、多種多様なガスによる新物質創製

(6) サンプル部における軟X線空間密度を高めるため、水平・垂直方向とも集光可能な光集光鏡を設置し、サンプル上で現在の500倍の空間密度フォトンが照射可能な新物質創製ステーションの仕様の検討

This subgroup is a successor of the soft X-ray chemistry beam line subgroup reconstituted in 2001 as a successor of the soft X-ray undulator subgroup constituted in 1989. The aim of our activities is to pursue the technological development, such as soft X-ray optics and measurement techniques, related to the use of soft X-ray beam at SPring-8, in order to make progress in scientific research in the field of soft X-ray photochemistry, soft X-ray chemical vapor depositions, atomic and molecular processes excited by soft X-rays, cluster science probed by soft x-rays, etc.

The individual subjects we discuss include:
1) Upgrading, or “scrap and build”, of the detection systems installed in the soft X-ray photochemistry beam line,
2) Developing the efficient measurement system by use of position sensitive detectors.

We discuss also how to realize the end station, to study the following scientific cases that were proposed in the early stage
3) SR-laser double resonance time-resolved spectroscopy for transient and reacting species,
4) Highly-charged-ion-molecule reaction,
5) Production of the new material using chemical vapor deposition.

To realize the last point, we discuss also
6) Design of the endstation that includes optics for tight focusing that delivers photon density 500 times more than currently available.
