
Chemical bonding of hydrogen in MgH2

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Powder diffraction is a powerful technique to study crystal structure. Using this technique, one can measure structural parameters such as lattice parameters, atomic positions, etc of crystalline materials. By using synchrotron radiation one can also obtain charge density level structures closely related with physical properties as well as structural parameters. The figure shows charge density distributions obtained by analyzing diffraction data of a base materials for hydrogen storage, MgH2. These data reveal the fact that hydrogen is weakly bonded to Mg, which must be a big advantage of hydrogenation dehydrogenation of this substance.

Fig. Charge densities of MgH2

[ T. Noritake, M. Aoki, S. Towata, Y. Seno, Y. Hirose, E. Nishibori, M. Takata and M. Sakata, Applied Physics Letters 81, 2008-2010 (2002), Fig. 2,
©2002 American Institute of Physics ]


Scientific keywords

A. Sample category inorganic material
B. Sample category (detail) metal, alloy, solid-state crystal, crystal
C. Technique X-ray diffraction
D. Technique (detail) powder diffraction
E. Particular condition room temperature
F. Photon energy X-ray (4-40 keV)
G. Target information chemical bonding, structure analysis, crystal structure, function and structure, charge density

Industrial keywords

level 1---Application area cell (battery)
level 2---Target fuel cell
level 3---Target (detail) electric rod
level 4---Obtainable information crystal structure
level 5---Technique diffraction

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Last modified 2019-11-22 09:17