
BL08W Magnetic compton scattering spectrometer

Inquiry number


Station-A : Magnetic Compton scattering spectrometer

  A magnetic Compton scattering experiments system is composed of a superconducting magnet and a 10-segmented Ge solid state detector with 10 DSP-based MCA systems. A maximum field of superconducting magnet is 3 T and its minimum polarity-switching time is 5 seconds. The momentum resolution of the spectrometer is ~0.4 atomic units and the count rate is ~ 1 million counts per second.

  • 3-T Superconducting magnet (swiching time: within 5 seconds)
  • 10-elements Ge-SSD with 10-MCAs
  • Refrigerator for sample (10 K ~ 300 K)
Magnetic Compton scattering spectrometer


Last modified 2019-11-22 09:12