
The pyrite-type high-pressure form of silica

  • Spring8ならでは


The x-ray diffraction with the use of the DAC/LH (diamond anvil cell / laser-heating) system is a powerful technique to study in-situ structural observations of materials under high-pressure/temperature. Using this technique, one can observe the crystal structures of the mantle minerals or materials of the core under the inner-earth/planets condition. The figure shows the pyrite-type form of Silica (SiO2) at the condition of 268 GPa/1800K, and its phase diagram. These data reveal the fact that the silicon coordination number increases from 4 or 6 in the lower pressure phase to 6+2 in the pyrite-type (Y. Kuwayama et al., Science, 309(2005)923).

Figure. Pyrite-type form of silica and phase diagram.

[ Y. Kuwayama, K. Hirose, N. Sata and Y. Ohishi, Science 309, 923-925 (2005), Fig. 3, 4,
©2005 American Association for the Advancement of Science ]



A. 試料 無機材料
B. 試料詳細 絶縁体・セラミックス, 結晶, 鉱物・岩石
C. 手法 X線回折
D. 手法の詳細 粉末結晶構造解析
E. 付加的測定条件 マイクロビーム(>10μm), 高圧(DAC), 高温(>>500度)
F. エネルギー領域 X線(4~40 keV)
G. 目的・欲しい情報 結晶構造, 相転移


階層1 半導体, 化学製品, 工業材料
階層2 シリコン系半導体, 触媒, ガラス
階層3 ゲート絶縁膜, 層間絶縁膜, 容量膜
階層4 密度, 結晶構造, 結晶弾性率
階層5 回折


