Inquiry number
The beamline BL13XU is dedicated to reveal structures of surface and interface layers on solids, thin films and powder materials at the atomic scale by using X-ray diffraction/scattering. The techniques users usually use are grazing-angle x-ray diffraction, crystal-truncation-rod scattering, reflectivity, High resolution powder diffraction, nanobeam diffraction, and reciprocal-space mapping in vacuum as well as in air. Target materials are widely spread from hard matter (such as a metal and an inorganic material) to soft matter like an organic semiconductor. Many of users have recently measured diffraction from nanostructures such as atomic wires, nanodots, and ultra-thin films. Local structures of device materials, e.g. strains also have been revealed by using nanobeam. Not only a static structure analysis of a solid surface/interface, but also an in-situ observation of a dynamic structural response of a surface such as a metal electrode through the imposition of an external field is encouraged.
- Material structural analysis, process observation
- Atomic-scale structural analysis of a thin film, bulk materials and a nanostructure
- High resolution powder diffraction
- High energy X-ray diffraction
- in-situ/operando X-ray diffraction
- Analysis of local structures using nanodiffraction
- Scientific field
Surface, Thin film, Diffraction, Crystallography, Nanostructure, Low-dimensional structure, powder diffraction - Equipment
Multi-axis diffractometer, Scintillation detector, Image plate, High-Resolution Powder-Diffractometer, Nanobeam X-ray diffraction system
The source is the standard SPring-8 in-vacuum undulator with a 32 mm period and its number of 140. The period length gives an optimization of the brilliance at about 8.8 keV. The gap would be opened up to 50 mm and closed down to 9.6 mm. A double-crystal monochromator with the Si 111 and 311 reflection is positioned at 50.0 m from the light source. A photon energy ranging from 5 to 72 keV is usually used. Two mirrors are located at 54.3 and 55.7 m respectively from the source. The mirrors have two stripes of a platinum coating and a silicon surface. These mirrors are for rejecting higher harmonics of incident photons. The down-stream one is also for focusing an X-ray beam. A typical beam size that user groups use with the mirrors is 100 µm. A few µm beam can be available by using a refractive focusing lense. In the nanodiffraction system, a beam with the size below 1 µm is also available.
Fig.1. Schematic view of the beamline optics
- X-rays at Sample
Energy Range 5 ∼ 72 keV (Si 111/311) Energy Resolution ΔE/E-10-4 Photon Flux Standard: 6×1013 ph/s
Micro-diffraction system:107 ∼ 1010 ph/sBeam Size (FWHM) Horizontal :2 µm (refractive lens) ∼ 2.0 mm
Vertical: 2 µm (refractive lens) ∼ 1.5 mmNanodiffraction system:
Horizontal: 0.15 µm ∼ 1 µm
Vertical: 0.11 µm ∼ 0.3 µm
- hutch 1 : Multi-axis diffractometer
- hutch 2 : Diffraction measurement multi-purpose frame
- hutch 3 : High-Resolution Powder-Diffractometer
- hutch 4 : Nanodiffraction system
* Sorry, some parts of results are displayed using Japanese characters.
Please note that each e-mail address is followed by ""
SPring-8 / JASRI
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198
Phone : +81-(0)791-58-0833
Fax : +81-(0)791-58-0830
e-mail : sumitani
SPring-8 / JASRI
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198
Phone : +81-(0)791-58-0924
Fax : +81-(0)791-58-0830
e-mail : koganeza
SPring-8 / JASRI
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198
Phone : +81-(0)791-58-2750
Fax : +81-(0)791-58-0830
e-mail : kawaguchi
Yasuhiko IMAI
SPring-8 / JASRI
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198
Phone : +81-(0)791-58-2750
Fax : +81-(0)791-58-0830
e-mail : imai