Body text
PBI (Propagation-Based Imaging,屈折コントラストイメージングとも呼ばれる)は,物質中の屈折率の大きな変化を用いてX線のエッジ強調画像を作り出す手法です。生体組織では,特に組織と空気や骨との境界を明確に可視化します。下の画像は,生まれた直後のウサギ肺への空気の浸透を観察したものです。このように,PBI は生体中の空気を高分解能で観察するのに適した手法です。
[ Physics in Medicine and Biology 50, 5031-5040 (2005), Fig.2, ©2005 Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing, Ltd. ]
Scientific keywords
A. Sample category | biology, medicine, research on method, instrumentation |
B. Sample category (detail) | organic material, macromolecule, biology (in vivo), biology (in vitro), organism, cell, biological material, biomolecule, crystal, biomolecule, noncrystal |
C. Technique | X-ray diffraction, absorption and its secondary process |
D. Technique (detail) | reflection, refraction |
E. Particular condition | 2D imaging, interface, room temperature |
F. Photon energy | X-ray (4-40 keV), X-ray (> 40 keV) |
G. Target information | morphology |
Industrial keywords
level 1---Application area | Pharmaceuticals |
level 2---Target | process analytical technology (PAT) |
level 3---Target (detail) | drug, organism |
level 4---Obtainable information | density, crack, crevice, molphology |
level 5---Technique | imaging |
Inquiry number
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