大型放射光施設 SPring-8



副題/演題 International Workshop on X-ray mirror design, fabrication, and metrology (IWXM)
開催期間 2009年09月22日から24日まで
開催場所 大阪大学 吹田キャンパス
主催 大阪大学
協賛者など 独立行政法人理化学研究所(RIKEN)
財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター (JASRI)
形式 研究発表(学会)
分野 ビームライン・装置(加速器・光源を含む)

The international workshop on X-ray mirror design, fabrication and metrology will be held as a satellite meeting of SRI 2009. The workshop includes the 3rd workshop on X-ray and EUV active optics (ACTOP09). It will provide a forum for presentation and discussion of the latest technical information and achievements in X-ray optics, especially mirror optics. The meeting will introduce new concepts, equipment, and products, as well as highlight recent advances in X-ray optics and optical systems. Contributions from the related companies are also invited to exchange information widely. The workshop will include a series of oral presentations, poster presentations, and tours of the Osaka University mirror fabrication laboratory, SPring-8, and the XFEL (X-ray Free Electron Laser) facility.

Topics to be covered are as follows:

  • Finishing technology for X-ray mirror
  • Metrology challenges for X-ray mirror
  • New concepts for active/adaptive optics
  • Mirror design and realization
  • Beamline performance and scientific results obtained by using new X-ray mirror
  • Expected future specifications for optics at new SR and FEL sources.
URL http://www.acftgcoe-osaka-u.jp/iwxm/
最終変更日 2011-06-09 10:24