SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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Partner Users for the Priority Research Program designated on February 13, 2019

The following Partner Users for the Priority Research Program have been designated by JASRI.

[Designation date]
February 13, 2019

[Period of Designation]
From FY2019 through FY2020*

*It may be extended up to 4 years only when the Partner User Review Committee deems it necessary.

[List of Designated Partner Users]

1. Eiji Ikenaga (Nagoya University) / BL47XU
(1) Research Experiment: Advancement of ambient pressure solution cell development and observation of liquid electronic state, for elucidation of solid-liquid interface phenomena
(2) Collaboration for Beamline Facility Upgrade: Advancement of HAXPES measurement by developing reaction cell under real environment for analysis of chemical reaction state
(3) User Support: Help and support to the users using upgraded beamline facilities

2. Chikako Moriyoshi (Hiroshima University) / BL02B2
(1) Research Experiment: High-energy X-ray multi-purpose one-dimensional diffraction for the materials science research under external fields
(2) Collaboration for Beamline Facility Upgrade: Upgrade for High-energy X-ray multi-purpose one-dimensional diffraction for the materials science research under external fields
(3) User Support: Help and support to the users using upgraded beamline facilities

3. Yoshio Kono (Ehime University) / BL04B1
(1) Research Experiment: Advancement of science for understanding dynamics of the Earth’s deep interior utilizing large-volume press
(2) Collaboration for Beamline Facility Upgrade: Development of time division measurement system for high pressure experiments
(3) User Support: Help and support to the users using upgraded beamline facilities

4. Hiroshi Sawa (Nagoya University) / BL02B1
(1) Research Experiment: Study of orbital physics by precise electron density analysis including operand measurements
(2) Collaboration for Beamline Facility Upgrade: Investigation of charge density study for operand measurement
(3) User Support: Help and support to the users using upgraded beamline facilities

Last modified 2019-02-19 15:58