SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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2018A, Priority Research Proposals: Social Interest Proposals

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; E-mail: sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

("Budding Researchers Support Proposal for Social Interest Application" appears on the list of Budding Researchers Support Proposals)

S/N Proposal Number Proposal Title Project Leader Affiliation Country Affiliation Category Research Category Shift Beamline Proprietary(P)/
1 2018A1698 Deciphering the ancient brazing technique - a comparative study between the old world and the new world- Yamahana Kyoko Tokai University Japan Educational Organization Other 3 BL28B2 Np
2 2018A1699 Synchrotron-based micro-FTIR measurements of single cells of extant and fossil prokaryotes Igisu Motoko Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Earth and Planetary Science 8.5 BL43IR Np
3 2018A1700 Restoration of the productivity of the cultivated rice in the beginning of paddy-style rice cultivation in Japan Islands by the X-ray CT measurement of the microstructure of panicle base and rachis-branch in the rice seed aggregate and the rice straw aggregate detected from the remains in the Yayoi period to the Heian period Inamura Tatsuya Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Other 5.875 BL20B2 Np
4 2018A1701 Comprehensive analyses of three-dimensional structures of the Ediacaran and Early Cambrian algae, cnidarian and arthropod microfossils Komiya Tsuyoshi The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 6 BL47XU Np
5 2018A1703 Reconstruction of the Mesozoic predator-prey interactions: focusing on byproducts of predatory activities Takeda Yusuke Hokkaido University Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 5.875 BL20B2 Np
6 2018A1704 Estimation of chronological change of condition in nuclear reactor vessels of FDNPP by micro-XRF/XANES/XRD analyses of radioactive particles sampled in different times Abe Yoshinari Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Environmental Science 9 BL37XU Np
7 2018A1705 Experiment for nondestructive elemental imaging of modern paintings using X-ray absorption edge subtraction method Abe Yoshinari Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Other 3 BL20B2 Np
8 2018A1706 Analysis of composition changes in iron catalysis during sample preparation process for radiocarbon measurements Omori Takayuki The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL02B2 Np
9 2018A1707 Provenance analysis of pottery based on Japanese River Sediment Database (JRS-DB) Nakai Izumi Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Other 9 BL02B2 Np
10 2018A1708 Synchrotron High-Energy XRF Analysis of Ancient Iron/Steel Objects from Central Anatolia for Provenance Studies Masubuchi Mariya National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 6 BL08W Np
11 2018A1709 Verification of primary glass production and glass import from Central Asia in medieval Georgia by high-energy synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence analysis Abe Yoshinari Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Other 5.875 BL08W Np
12 2018A1710 Study of the environmental contamination with the iron to the buried earthenware of soft pottery, like Nara tricolored ceramics and glazed tile. Furihata Junko National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 6 BL01B1 Np
13 2018A1711 Analysis of coloring mechanisms for Karatsuyaki produced by Momoyama-era using XAFS and emittion Kirino Fumiyoshi Tokyo University of the Arts Japan Educational Organization Other 6 BL27SU Np
14 2018A1712 Exploring the influence between the trans-Caucasian region and Nothern Iran in the early Iron age by high energy X-ray CT imaging. Shikaku Ryuji Okayama Orient Museum Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 15 BL28B2 Np