SPring-8 Users Community (SPRUC)

Research Group:

Nano-scale Atomic-correlation in Functional Materials


  Youhei Onodera
  Kyoto University
  Telephone: +81-72-451-2423

Research Area:

Fundamental Characterization, Applied


BL01B1, BL04B2, BL07LSU, BL13XU, BL15XU, BL44B2

Overview of Research Group, Goals and Purposes:

The main object of the research group is science of glass and ceramic materials. The users community is offered by the group for the activities of SPring-8 experiments for glass and ceramic materials mainly using PDF analysis, the advancement of the relating technologies, and the development of new experimental and analysis methods including computer simulation. The research group aims at the promotion of not only fundamental researches but also applied researches directly connected to the development of novel practical materials. Members are welcome also from the industrial companies conducting or planning experiments for their materials at SPring-8 and other synchrotron radiation and neutron facilities. The research group is willing to promote and support the use of SPring-8 for these material researches.

In order to achieve the activity target mentioned above, the members of the research group discuss about a new experimental station dedicated for non-crystalline materials, which makes it possible to perform various experiments, such as XAFS, x-ray diffraction, anomalous x-ray scattering and  on users demand at a single hutch. Therefore we have to design new instruments, which enable us to switch experimental tools mentioned above quickly.

The web pages of the research group serve the information about the experimental measurements and analyses for SPring-8 users, which will activate the information exchange and research partnership among the members. Research group meeting is planned to be held every half year or more. The members of the research group try to get a funding to establish new experimental station and to promote international corporation and competition.
