SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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2017B Approved Epoch-Making Initiatives Project’s Research Group

The following group has been approved by JASRI as an Epoch-Making Initiatives Project’s research grop.

[Research Period]:From 2017B through 2019A

[Approved Research Group]
Project Director: Teruo Ono, Kyoto University
Project Leader1 (BLs*): Ko Mibu, Nagoya Institute of Technology (BL08W and BL09XU)
Project Leader2 (BLs*): Daichi Chiba, The University of Tokyo (BL17SU, BL25SU and BL39XU)
Project Leader3 (BLs*): Satoshi Okamoto, Tohoku University (BL25SU and BL39XU)
Project Leader4 (BLs*): Masaki Mizuguchi, Tohoku University (BL09XU, BL13XU, BL25SU and BL47XU)

※ The BLs shown above are approved for 2017B; BLs to be used after 2018A are subject to change according to the progress of their experiments.

[Project Title] Initiative study for nano-spin devices led by the use of advanced synchrotron light source