SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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List of SPring-8 Research Proposals in the 1st half of 1999 (4)

#151 - #200

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal number Experimental title First name Last name affiliation country beamline shifts
151 1999A0227-ND -np Study on Site Specific Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering Makoto Seto Kyoto Univ. Japan BL09XU 17
152 1999A0232-NL -np Structure and photoreaction of chimeric bacteriorhodopsins Mikio Kataoka Nara Inst. of Sci. & Tech. Univ. Japan BL45XU 4
153 1999A0233-ND -np Inerface Structure at the Ag/Si Studied by Anomalous X-ray Diffraction Koichi Akimoto Nagoya Univ. Japan BL09XU 15
154 1999A0234-CD -np Lattice modulation and charge ordering in La2-xSrxCuO4 (x=1/8) Yukio Noda Tohoku Univ. Japan BL02B1 15
155 1999A0235-ND -np Study of the critical diffuse scattering of (P(CH3)4)2CoBr4 Yukio Noda Tohoku Univ. Japan BL02B1 12
156 1999A0236-NM -np Preparation and Etching of Oxide Thin Films Masaru Shimizu Himeji Inst. of Tech. Japan BL27SU 18
157 1999A0238-ND -np In-beam Mossbauer study on the fast impurity diffusion in metals and semiconductors Yutaka Yoshida Shizuoka Inst. of Sci. & Tech. Japan BL09XU 9
158 1999A0239-NS -np Study on the magnetism of amorphous Fe in RE/Fe and CoFeB magnetic thin films Yuji Fujiwara Mie Univ. Japan BL25SU 6
159 1999A0240-NL -np Cryogenic crystal structure analysis of the Fv fragment of an antibody at an atomic resolution Masayoshi Nakasako Univ. of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 5
160 1999A0241-NL -np X-ray structure analysis of H2-reduced hydrogenase at high resolution Yoshiki Higuchi Kyoto Univ. Japan BL41XU 4
161 1999A0242-NL -np X-ray Crystal Analyses of Thermophilic Enzymes due to understand Thermostability of Protein Kensaku Hamada Shimane Univ. Japan BL41XU 2
162 1999A0243-NM -np Development of X-ray CT system for rocks and minerals Akira Tsuchiyama Osaka Univ. Japan BL47XU 6
163 1999A0244-NM -np Diffraction focusing elements for energys higher than 10 keV. Alexandre Firsov IPMT RAS Russia BL47XU 3
164 1999A0245-NL -np Structure of Human Low Density Lipoproteins Manfred Baumstark University Freiburg Germany BL41XU 6
165 1999A0246-CX -np Total Reflection XAFS of Aqueous Solution Surface Iwao Watanabe Osaka Univ. Japan BL01B1 18
166 1999A0247-NM -np Development of a polarized XAFS methodo for the solution surface study Iwao Watanabe Osaka Univ. Japan BL39XU 18
167 1999A0248-CL -np Structure and function analysis of phospholipase D from Streptomyces origin Takashi Yamane Nagoya Univ. Japan BL41XU 2
168 1999A0249-ND -np Dynamics of Phase Transition in Polymer Alloys induced by Pressure Jump Mikihito Takenaka Kyoto Univ. Japan BL45XU 6
169 1999A0250-CS -np Circulary-polarized light photoelectron diffraction Hiroshi Daimon Nara Inst. of Sci. & Tech. Univ. Japan BL25SU 78
170 1999A0253-NS -np Trace Element Analysis of Calcareous Skelton in Anthozoa Nobuhiko Haga Himeji Inst. of Tech. Japan BL39XU 6
171 1999A0254-ND -np Stress Analysis of Processed Si Chip Yuuji Mori Toray Research Center Japan BL02B1 6
172 1999A0256-NL -np X-ray crystallographic study of light-harvesting chorophyll protein complex Tsutomu Kouyama Nagoya Univ. Japan BL41XU 3
173 1999A0257-NL -np Crystal Structure Analyses of Bacteriorhodopsin Mutant (D96N) Tsutomu Kouyama Nagoya Univ. Japan BL41XU 3
174 1999A0258-NX -np Exploitation of the Photon-modulated XAFS Spectroscopy TOSHIAKI OHTA Univ. of Tokyo Japan BL01B1 18
175 1999A0259-ND -np Crystal Structure Determination of NiO under High Pressure Tetsujiro Eto Osaka Univ. Japan BL10XU 6
176 1999A0260-CD -np Structural analysis of the "Electrode / Solid State Electrolyte Zirconia" Interface by X-ray standing wave method Akira Saito Osaka Univ. Japan BL09XU 15
177 1999A0261-NX -np Local Structure of Heusler-type Nitrides Makio Kurisu Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech. Japan BL01B1 9
178 1999A0262-CL -np Studies on Structure-Function Relationship of DNA Repliction Control Proteins by Means of X-ray Cry Kunio Miki Kyoto Univ. Japan BL41XU 3
179 1999A0263-NL -np Mechanism of Thermostabilization of Membrane Protein on the Basis of High-Resolution Crystal Structure of Thermophilic Photosynthetic Reaction Center Kunio Miki Kyoto Univ. Japan BL41XU 4
180 1999A0264-ND -np Structure Analysis of Microcrystals of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Compounds Kenji Okuyama Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech. Japan BL02B1 6
181 1999A0266-CSD -np Observation of Nuclear Excitation in 197Au with an APD electron detector Shunji Kishimoto KEK Japan BL09XU 18
182 1999A0267-NMD -np Development of X-ray Timing detectors using multi-element APDs Shunji Kishimoto KEK Japan BL09XU 12
183 1999A0268-NL -np X-ray crystallographic analysis of japanese pear S-RNase Shigemi Nurioka Osaka Univ. Japan BL41XU 2
184 1999A0269-CL -np Crystal structure analyses of bovine rhodopsin Tetsuji Okada Nagoya Univ. Japan BL41XU 1
185 1999A0270-NL -np Structural analysis of the horming-endonuclease Apel from hyperthermophilic archaebacteria Aeropyrum pernix by X-ray crystallography Isao Tanaka Hokkaido Univ. Japan BL41XU 2
186 1999A0271-CD -np Development of Drickamer type high pressure apparatus combined with synchrotron radiation Takehiko Yagi Univ. of Tokyo Japan BL14B1 12
187 1999A0272-CD -np Phase relation study of grossular under pressure Takehiko Yagi Univ. of Tokyo Japan BL04B1 9
188 1999A0273-NOM -np Preparation and Characterization of Electrical Maetrials by using SR Masanori Okuyama Osaka Univ. Japan BL27SU 18
189 1999A0274-NM -np Construction of Soft X-ray CVD Experimnental Station Masanori Okuyama Osaka Univ. Japan BL27SU 21
190 1999A0280-NX -np Study of Local Magnetic Structure of Ni-Mn alloys by Magnetic XSFS Takafumi Miyanaga Hirosaki Univ. Japan BL39XU 9
191 1999A0281-NX -np Study on the Local Structure of Lanthanoid Complex by Ln K-edge EXAFS Takafumi Miyanaga Hirosaki Univ. Japan BL01B1 9
192 1999A0282-ND -np Magnetic field and temperature dependence of Compton Profiles on the study of the orbital ordering in La0.88Sr0.12MnO3 Akihisa Koizumi Himeji Inst. of Tech. Japan BL08W 30
193 1999A0285-CL -np X--ray crystallographic studies on DNA repair enzymes Keiichi Fukuyama Osaka Univ. Japan BL41XU 6
194 1999A0287-NX -np Local Structure Analysis of Loading Supported Ir Catalysts by Means of XAFS Takeshi Kubota Shimane Univ. Japan BL01B1 6
195 1999A0289-NL -np X-ray diffraction study on skinned fibers in the absence of certain proteins Shigeru Takemori Jikei Univ. School of Medicine Japan BL45XU 6
196 1999A0293-CD -np Precise determination of dissociation reaction of spinel to perovskite+periclase in the system Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 Tomoo Katsura Okayama Univ. Japan BL04B1 15
197 1999A0294-ND -np Viscosity measurement of SiO2 melt at high pressure Masami Kanzaki Okayama Univ. Japan BL04B1 12
198 1999A0296-CD -np Crystal Structure Analysis of Polysynthetic twinned phase in A2BX4-type ferroelectrics Hirotake Shigematsu Nagoya Univ. Japan BL02B1 12
199 1999A0297-ND -np Structure of ion sulfide melt up to 10 GPa Satoru Urakawa Okayama Univ. Japan BL04B1 12
200 1999A0299-CD -np Precise Crystal Structure Analysis of K3H(SO4)2 by High Energy X-ray Diffraction Method Hirofumi Kasatani Shizuoka Inst. of Sci. & Tech. Japan BL02B1 12