Chemical speciation of trace metals in fly ash
Inquiry number
Scientific keywords
A. Sample category | inorganic material |
B. Sample category (detail) | metal, alloy, amorphous, glass, environmental material |
C. Technique | absorption and its secondary process |
D. Technique (detail) | XAFS, XANES |
E. Particular condition | polarization (linear), room temperature |
F. Photon energy | X-ray (4-40 keV) |
G. Target information | chemical state, local structure, elemental composition, trace element |
Industrial keywords
level 1---Application area | construction, environment |
level 2---Target | catalysis, Environmental material |
level 3---Target (detail) | ash |
level 4---Obtainable information | valence, chemical state |
level 5---Technique | XAFS, NEXAFS |
A80.40 environmental materials, M40.10 XAFS
Body text
In this solution, fluorescence XANES method was applied to chemical speciation of trace metals in fly ash. For dilute and chemically complex samples, the fluorescence XANES method is a powerful technique to study local electronic structure (valence, species of neighbor atoms) and chemical composition of selected elements. The figure shows Pb-L3 XANES spectra of fly ash samples (0.6-1.1 wt% Pb). Pattern fitting analysis of the XANES spectra (Fig. 1) using reference samples provided the chemical composition of Pb in fly ash, such as amount of PbCl2 and PbS, and information about factors affecting Pb composition.
Fig. Pb-L3 XANES spectra of fly ash samples (0.6-1.1 wt% Pb) and reference materials.
Source of the figure
Original paper/Journal article
Journal title
Physica Scripta, T115, 943(2005)
Figure No.
XAFS spectra of dilute samples are taken by fluorescence XAFS method. This method is performed by measuring fluorescence from excited atoms as a function of x-ray energy around an absorption edge of a selected element. A Lytle detector is used for measurement of samples of more than 1000 ppm. Acquisition time per XANES spectrum is 15 min in this solution.
Source of the figure
Private communication/others
Required time for experimental setup
4 hour(s)
Instrument | Purpose | Performance |
XAFS Measurement System | Measurement of XAFS spectra | 3.8-113 keV |
Lytle Detector | Measurement of XAFS spectra of dilute sample and thin film | concentration: 1000 ppm, thickness > 10 nm |
Document name |
M. Takaoka et al., Physica Scripta., T115 (2005) 943. |
Related experimental techniques
This solution is an application of a main instrument of the beamline.
With user's own instruments.
Ease of measurement
Ease of analysis
How many shifts were needed for taking whole data in the figure?
Less than one shift