SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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Scientific keywords

A. Sample category research on method, instrumentation
B. Sample category (detail) metal, alloy
C. Technique absorption and its secondary process
D. Technique (detail) XAFS, EXAFS, XANES
E. Particular condition polarization (linear), time-resolved (slow), room temperature
F. Photon energy X-ray (4-40 keV)
G. Target information chemical state, local structure, function and structure

Industrial keywords

level 1---Application area Semiconductor, electric component, display, storage device, cell (battery), mechanics, construction, environment, Chemical product, industrial material
level 2---Target compound semiconductor, condenser, LCD, PDP、FED, HD,MO, CD-R、DVD, rechargeable battery, and solar cell, fuel cell, catalysis, fiber, Environmental material, health care(shampoo, cosmetics,dental paste)
level 3---Target (detail) phosphor, magnetic layer, electric rod, ash, protein
level 4---Obtainable information local structure, electronic state, valence, chemical state
level 5---Technique XAFS, NEXAFS


A80.20 metal ・material, A80.30 inorganic material, A80.32 organic material, A80.34 catalysis, M40.10 XAFS

Body text

XAFS method is a powerful technique to study local structure (distance, coordination number, species of neighbor atoms) and local electronic structure (valence, species of neighbor atoms) of selected elements both in crystalline states and in non-crystalline states. Quick XAFS (QXAFS) mode is a recently developed technique to measure XAFS spectra in a short time. At present, most of the transmission XAFS measurements in BL01B1 are performed in the QXAFS mode, and high quality data can be taken in 3-15 min (20-50% compared with a conventional step-scanning mode). A time-resolved QXAFS mode is possible with a time resolution of seconds to tenth seconds. Unlike energy dispersive XAFS (DXAFS), QXAFS can be used for the fluorescence and conversion electron yield mode.

Fig. Comparison between Pd K-edge EXAFS oscillations of Pd foil obtained by QXAFS and step scan XAFS.

Source of the figure

Private communication/others




QXAFS method is performed by scanning monochromator continuously and measuring XAFS data. The minimum time resolution of QXAFS is limited by the maximum scanning speed of the Bragg angle of the monochromator. In actual experiments, however, the time resolution is determined by spectral quality.

Source of the figure

Private communication/others



Required time for experimental setup

2 hour(s)


Instrument Purpose Performance
XAFS Measurement System Measurement of XAFS spectra 3.8-113 keV
Lytle Detector Measurement of XAFS spectra of dilute sample and thin film concentration: 1000 ppm, thickness > 10 nm
CEY Detector Measurement of XAFS spectra of dense thin film thickness > 0.5 nm
Ionization Chamber Measurement of transmission mode XAFS concentration > 1000 ppm


Document name

Related experimental techniques


This solution is an application of a main instrument of the beamline.
Similar experiments account for more than 30% of the beamline's subject.
This solution is application of a new instrument installed in the past two years.

Ease of measurement


Ease of analysis


How many shifts were needed for taking whole data in the figure?

Less than one shift

Last modified 2022-05-06 15:21