
BL02B1 Overview of Semiconductor Detectors and 4-axis Diffractometers

Inquiry number


Large cylindrical Image-Plate camera

 The semiconductor detector Pilatus 1M CdTe has been introduced to achieve high-throughput and high-precision data collection for single-crystal structure analysis. It combines the advantages of a pixel area detector with flexible goniometry and easy re-positioning of the detector in vertical and horizontal directions. Its fast reading speed (maximum frame rate: 500 Hz) and wide dynamic range (counter bits: 20 bits (about 106 counts)) make it an ideal detector for such a study. The user interface for instrument control is designed to be user-friendly, including automatic input conditions for preliminary and main data collection, and easy temperature control for temperature-dependent measurements. The data can be processed using different software such as RapidAuto, CrysAlisPro, Apex, etc., and can be analyzed in the same way as data obtained with a general-purpose laboratory diffractometer. In addition, a low-temperature N2 and He gas flow equipment is permanently installed to allow measurements at variable temperatures in the range of 20 K to 400 K (controller set value). In addition, a high-temperature N2 spraying apparatus is also available for measurements at higher temperatures. We recommend that you contact the beamline scientist before applying for the use of this equipment.

Figure 1: The four-axis diffractometer for single crystal structure analysis

Last modified 2023-12-04 16:14