大型放射光施設 SPring-8


BL04B1 Energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction



  An energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction system attached to the Kawai-type large-volume press is shown in figure. A white X-ray beam from the bending magnet light source is collimated with vertical and horizontal slits to form a thin beam possessing a cross section of typically 0.05 x 0.1 mm2. In order to carry out the energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction on the Kawai-type system, the first-stage anvils are cut holes to pass the X-ray beam. The incident white X-ray beam from the first-stage passes through the gaps between the second-stage anvils in a horizontal plane. X-rays diffracted by samples under high-pressure and high-temperature is detected by a pure Ge solid state detector (Ge-SSD) with a 4096 multi-channel analyzer. Diffraction data can be obtained with an energy range from 20 to 150 keV. Use of a collimator (0.05 mm width) and a receiving slit at a fixed angle to the direct beam permits only the diffracted X-rays from the sample to be detected. The horizontal goniometer covers a range of 2θ angles from -10 to 23° with an accuracy of 0.0001°. The X-ray acquisition time to obtain a diffraction profile is typically one to several minutes.


Fig. Schematic drawing of the energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction on the Kawai-type large-volume press.
