
BL08W High resolution compton scattering spectrometer

Inquiry number


Station-B : High resolution Compton scattering spectrometer

  A Couchois-type X-ray spectrometer has been constructed for high-resolution Compton scattering experiments with an incident X-rays energy of 115 keV. The spectrometer consists of a bent-crystal analyzer and a position sensitive detector. As a position sensitive detector, an X-ray Image Intensifire (X-II) camera or 128-strip Ge-SSD can be used. It covers the focal positions corresponding to the X-ray energies from 70 keV to 90 keV with 80eV energy resolution for the incident X-ray energy of 115 keV and the scattering angle of 165 degrees. It corresponds electrom momentums from -10 atomic unit to 10 atomic unit with 0.14 atomic unit resolution. The use of such high energy X-rays enables us to measure the Compton profiles of heavy element materials with good statistical accuracy.

  • 7-T Superconducting magnet
  • 10-K Refrigerator for sample (10 K ~ 300 K)
  • X-II camera
  • 128-strip Ge-SSD
High resolution spectrometer


Last modified 2019-11-22 09:12