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Fermi surface geometry of Sr2RuO4

  • Only SPring-8
  • For beginners

Inquiry number



BL08W (High Energy Inelastic Scattering)

Scientific keywords

A. Sample category inorganic material
B. Sample category (detail) metal, alloy, superconductor, magnetic material, solid-state crystal
C. Technique inelastic scattering
D. Technique (detail) Compton scattering
E. Particular condition polarization (linear), room temperature
F. Photon energy X-ray (> 40 keV)
G. Target information electronic state

Industrial keywords

level 1---Application area storage device
level 2---Target HD,MO
level 3---Target (detail)
level 4---Obtainable information electronic state
level 5---Technique X-ray diffraction


A80.12 semiconductor, A80.14 magnetic materials

Body text

Compton scattering measurement is a efficient technique to study electron momentum density distribution. Using this technique, one can measure electronic structure such as the Fermi surface geometry or the number of electrons in each orbital states. This technique is executable in various experimental conditions because of its insensibility to crystalline imperfections and its applicability to bulky samples. The figure shows the 2D electron momentum density using reconstruction method. It experimentally determined the two-dimensional electron momentum density of Sr2RuO4.

Two-dimensional momentum density of Sr2RuO4, reconstructed from five directional Compton profiles.

Source of the figure

Beamline Report




Compton profile; J(pz) corresponds to the energy spectrum of Compton scattered X-rays on  fixed angle. It directly provides a twice integrated electron momentum density. The area under the Compton profile is equal to the number of total electrons. Compton Profile can be decomposed into a few partial profiles with the characteristic shape of a specific electronic state, the area under the partial profile gives the number of electrons associated with that state. 2D/3D electron momentum density can be obtained using the reconstruction method from several number of Compton profiles.

Source of the figure

No figure

Required time for experimental setup

4 hour(s)


Instrument Purpose Performance
High resolution Compton scattering spectrometer Compton measurement momentum resolution 0.14 atomic unit


Document name
N. Hiraoka, et.al., Physical Review B, 67 (2003) 94511

Related experimental techniques

angle-resolved photoelectronemission spectroscopy
positron annihilation
electron scattering


The measurement was possible only in SPring-8. Impossible or very difficult in other facilities.
This solution is an application of a main instrument of the beamline.
Similar experiments account for more than 30% of the beamline's subject.

Ease of measurement


Ease of analysis


How many shifts were needed for taking whole data in the figure?

More than ten shifts

Last modified 2019-11-22 09:12