Inquiry number
BL28B2 (White Beam X-ray Diffraction)
Scientific keywords
A. Sample category | inorganic material |
B. Sample category (detail) | semiconductor, ferroelectric material, crystal |
C. Technique | X-ray diffraction |
D. Technique (detail) | |
E. Particular condition | 2D imaging, low-T (~ liquid He) |
F. Photon energy | X-ray (> 40 keV) |
G. Target information | structural change, phase transition |
Industrial keywords
level 1---Application area | Semiconductor |
level 2---Target | silicon semiconductor, condenser |
level 3---Target (detail) | capacitance insulator |
level 4---Obtainable information | crystal structure |
level 5---Technique | imaging |
A80.12 semiconductor, A80.30 inorganic material, M10.10 single crystal diffraction
Body text
図 低温におけるチタン酸ストロンチウムのトポグラフ像と自発ひずみの温度依存性
(a) T=4.8K、D=673mm、(b) T=4.8K、D=580mm、(c) T=4.8K、D=430mm、(d) T=4.8K、D=300mm、
(e) T=60K、D=673mm、(f) T=80K、D=673mm、(g) T=100K、D=673mm、(h) T=105K、D=673mm、
[ T. Ozaki, K. Kusunose, H. Sakaue, K. Kajiwara, H. Okamoto, Y. Chikaura and T. Suzuki, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 238, 255-258 (2005), Fig. 2,
©2005 Elsevier Science Publisher ]
Source of the figure
Original paper/Journal article
Journal title
T. Ozaki, K. Kusunose, H. Sakaue, H. Okamoto, K. Kajiwara, Y. Suzuki and Y. Chikaura, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 238 (2005) 255–258
Figure No.
図1. 白色X線トポグラフィによる自発歪み測定の概要。隣合う分域からのトポグラフ像が重なり白黒のコントラストを生じる。自発歪みc/a-1と分域の傾き2φは、2(c/a-1)=2φの関係があり、2φと、白黒のコントラストの間隔Sおよび試料からカメラまでの距離Dには、S≈4DφsinθBの関係がある。したがって、SおよびDを測定することでc/a-1が決まる。
[ T. Ozaki, K. Kusunose, H. Sakaue, K. Kajiwara, H. Okamoto, Y. Chikaura and T. Suzuki, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 238, 255-258 (2005), Fig. 1,
©2005 Elsevier Science Publisher ]
Source of the figure
Original paper/Journal article
Journal title
T. Ozaki, K. Kusunose, H. Sakaue, H. Okamoto, K. Kajiwara, Y. Suzuki and Y. Chikaura, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 238 (2005) 255–258
Figure No.
Required time for experimental setup
24 hour(s)
Instrument | Purpose | Performance |
クライオスタット | 試料温度を下げる | 3.8-300K、±0.1K |
ビームモニタ、CCDカメラ | 検出器 | 実効ピクセルサイズ5.83 μm |
Document name |
T. Ozaki, I. Fijimoto, K. Mizuno, S. Iida, K. Kajiwara, T. Taira, J. Yoshimura, T. Shimura, Y. Chikaura, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 199 (2003) 81-84 |
Related experimental techniques
The measurement was possible only in SPring-8. Impossible or very difficult in other facilities.
Ease of measurement
Ease of analysis
How many shifts were needed for taking whole data in the figure?
Two-three shifts