SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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For Students

SPring-8 offers schools of synchrotron radiation science and invites proposals for students in Japan and overseas, with the aim of developing young researchers.
Please click here for details of current call for Graduate Student Proposals.

Graduate Student Proposals

Since 2005, Graduate Student Proposals (Former name: Budding Researchers Support Proposals) are intended to encourage graduate students who will lead the future of synchrotron radiation research. We support those doctoral students with an exploratory and regional research proposal or research theme.

SPring-8 Summer School

Since 2001, the SPring-8 Summer School is held every year targeting senior students in college and master students to experience synchrotron radiation technologies and most advanced research through lectures given by SPring-8 researchers and practicals.
*The language of the lecture is Japanese.

SPring-8 Autumn School

The SPring-8 Autumn School is held targeting college students, graduate students, and workers interested in SPring-8.
*The language of the lecture is Japanese.

Cheiron School

The Cheiron School's main aim is to provide useful and basic knowledge as well as perspectives of synchrotron radiation science and technology for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, young scientists and engineers who wish to pursue their career in a field requiring synchrotron radiation and join a synchrotron radiation facility in the Asia Oceania region. The school was held at SPring-8 Campus for 9 times started 2007 and ended 2015.

Last modified 2024-12-03 16:25