SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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The duration of the designation period of Partner Users for the Priority Research Program extended on February 13, 2018

The duration of the designation period of Partner Users for the Priority Research Program has been extended as follows:

[Extension Date of Designation Period]
February 13, 2018

1. Takahiko Sasaki (Tohoku University) / BL43IR
 (1) Extension Period of Designation
   From 2016A through 2019B (four years)
   The duration set on December 2, 2015 was two years (from 2016A through 2017B).
 (2) Research Experiment: Charge dynamics in molecular materials with strongly correlated electrons studied by infrared microscopic spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation light
 (3) Collaboration for Beamline Facility Upgrade: BL43IR upgrading project and advanced research
 (4) User Support: Help and support to the users using upgraded beamline facilities

2. Bo Iversen (University of Aarhus) / BL02B1
 (1) Re-extension Period of Designation
   From 2014A through 2018B (five years)
   The duration set on December 2, 2015 was four years (from 2014A through 2017B).
 (2) Research Experiment: Application of synchrotron radiation in materials crystallography
 (3) Collaboration for Beamline Facility Upgrade: Structural dynamics infrastructure development and its leading use
 (4) User Support: Help and support to the users using upgraded beamline facilities

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