SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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List of Designated Power Users ( April 2009 - March 2014 )

Power User
Details of Research
(Single Crystal Structure Analysis)
Hiroshi Sawa
(Nagoya University)
Research Theme:
Accurate structural material physics by high-resolution charge density analysis using single crystal SR diffraction data
Upgrading of a large-warped imaging plate camera
User Support:
Support for collaborative research using the above-mentioned device

(Powder Diffraction)
Yoshiki Kubota
(Osaka Prefecture University)
Research Theme:
Development of powder diffraction method for the basis of structural materials science
Maintenance and upgrading of Powder Diffractometer
User Support:
Support for collaborative research using the above-mentioned device

(Nuclear Resonant Scattering)
Makoto Seto
(Kyoto University)
Research Theme:
Upgrading and establishing of nuclear resonant scattering spectroscopy for materials science
Development and upgrading of measurement system for nuclear resonant scattering and absorption spectroscopy.
User Support:
Support for collaborative research using the above-mentioned equipment, improvement of analysis for analysis software for spectrum measurement, and analysis support

(High Pressure Research)
Kei Hirose
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Research Theme:
Combined analyses of crystal structures and physical properties of deep Earth and planetary materials at ultra-high pressure and temperature
Construction of laser-heating DAC system for XRD measurement
User Support:
Support for collaborative research using the above-mentioned device

(Medical and Imaging I)
Hideyo Kunieda
(Nagoya University)
Research Theme:
Development of characterization systems for new generation X-ray telescopes
Upgrading of characterization systems for new generation X-ray telescopes and detectors
User Support:
Support for experiment using the above-mentioned device

(Infrared Materials Science)
Hidekazu Okamura
(Kobe University)
Research Theme:
Development of next-generation synchrotron-based IR spectroscopy: Strongly correlated electronic structures under high pressure and IR near-field imaging spectroscopy
Upgrade of instrumentation for high-pressure, low-temperature IR spectroscopy apparatus and development of near-field IR spectroscopy apparatus at BL43IR.
User Support:
Support for collaborative research using the above-mentioned device