SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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Several Bunch Modes in 2020

Several Bunch Modes in the first half of 2020, 2020A


Bunch mode*1

Bunch interval*2
A-mode 203 bunches 23.6 nsec 100 mA  
30 seconds
B-mode 4 bunch train x 84 51.1 nsec
(57.0 nsec period)
100 mA  
40 seconds
C-mode 11 bunch train x 29 145.5 nsec
(165.2 nsec period)
100 mA  
40 seconds
D-mode 1/7-filling + 5 bunches 684.3 nsec 100 mA 3.0 mA
20 seconds
E-mode 2/29-filling + 26 bunches 165.2 nsec 100 mA 1.4 mA
20 seconds
H-mode  11/29-filling + 1bunch   1486 nsec  100 mA  5 mA 〜 
40 seconds

*1 The actual bunch mode is subject to change slightly due to the instability of the electrons in the ring. The tabulated bunch interval is retained.
*2 The revolution time of the storage ring is 4.789 µsec.
  The harmonic number (number of bucket) is 2436(2x2x3x7x29).
  The time interval of the successive bunches (bucket interval) is 1.966 nsec.
*3 Single bunch current at injection is subject to change depending on the Storage Ring conditions.
*4 This is an average injection time interval. The time interval depends on the Storage Ring operation condition.

You can download the text file (a CSV file) which shows the time structure of the above listed bunch mode. Draw the figure of the time structure taking time (nsec) as x-axis and current (mA) as Y-axis with your own graphic software.
203 bunches
4 bunch train x 84
11 bunch train x 29
1/7-filling + 5 bunches
2/29-filling + 26 bunches
1/14-filling + 12 bunches
4/58-filling + 53 bunches
406x11/29-bunches + 1 bunch
11/29-filling + 1bunch

Contact: m_keikaku