SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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SPring-8 Partner User Application Instructions on How to Fill out Online Application Form

Before filling out an application ...

On an online application form, please provide the details of following three PU activities:

1) To produce leading-edge SR usage and high-quality research results while using the following developed/upgraded facilities and promote expansion of intended research field, 1) and 2) are hereinafter referred to as “PU Proposal”.
2) To collaborate for beamline facility development/upgrade, and
3) User support.    

Please make sure to consult beamline scientists individually before applying.

Since some of the items required on the application are different from those on general proposal application, instructions for such items are given below. Please follow the instructions below and make sure to enter all the required information. As for the items common to both PU and general proposal applications, please refer to this page.

We strongly recommend you to draft your application offline first using a MS Word template to avoid unexpected system failure while working on your application online.

[Basic Information Page]

Please provide information about your PU proposal (a) and b)).

Choice of Beamline:
Select beamlines that you wish to use for your PU activities: PU proposal and user support.

Number of Shifts Required:
Provide the desired number of 8-hour shifts necessary for the conduct of your PU proposal for 2019A.

Unacceptable Dates:
List any dates you are not available to conduct the PU proposal during 2019A.

[Project Team Members Page]

Register the PU group members. The PU group members are defined as
 • those who conduct PU proposal and provide support for users in cooperation with the beamline scientists,
 • those who have a thorough knowledge of measurement techniques of the beamline, and
 • those who are expected to contribute to developing academic fields of SR science and technology.

[Known Safety Hazards & Measures to Be Taken Page]

Provide information about the PU proposal.

[Abstract Page]

Provide information about the PU proposal.

PU Proposal Implementation Plan:
Give full details of PU Proposal for 2019A and for two-year designation period. Make sure to provide all of the following information:
1) Development/upgrade plan and PU’s role,
2) PU’s research experiment relating to the development/upgrade, and
3) Expected spreading effects (or goals) by 1) and 2).
As for the details of beamline facilities development/upgrade programs, please contact beamline scientists listed in 3.2 Available Beamlines individually and discuss well in advance.

Provide the progress made regarding the proposed research, the relationship with the proposal(s) approved in the past and with another proposal(s) being applied, if any, and your previous experience with similar experiments:
Give full details of the results you have obtained so far to achieve expected results through the conduct of the PU proposal being submitted and the preparation status of equipment and samples. Also provide the relationship with proposals approved in the past, if any.

[Experimental Details Page]

Provide information about user support as well as the PU proposal.

Experimental details (sketch of setup, measurement method, detector, concentration of samples, etc.):
Provide details of experimental method of the PU proposal for 2019A.

Your previous experience with the beamline and your level of expertise on measurement techniques, which is one of the eligibility requirements.

Support for users:
Give details of your plans to provide help and support to the users of upgraded beamline facilities on preparation procedures, measurement techniques and data analyses.

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