SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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List of SPring-8 Research Proposals 2002A in the first half of 2002 (3/11)

#1 - #50 #51 - #100 #101 - #150 #151 - #200 #201 - #250 #251 - #300 #301 - #350 #351 - #400 #401 - #450 #451 - #500 #501 - #545

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal No. Research Subject Project Leader Affiriation Country Beamline Shift
101 2002A0139-NX-np Local structure around In atoms in InxGa1-xN(x=0.3,0.4,0.5) single-quantum-wells by XAFS Takafumi Miyanaga Hirosaki University Japan BL38B1 12
102 2002A0140-NX-np Structural study of the supported silver catalysts which indicate very high activity Satoru Nishiyama Kobe University Japan BL01B1 3
103 2002A0141-ND3-np X-ray residual stress measurements for the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Hisataka Yakabe Tokyo Gas Co.,Ltd Japan BL09XU 9
104 2002A0142-NL1-np Structural Analysis of Hyperthermostable Industrial Enzyme kazuhiko ishikawa AIST Japan BL40B2 3
105 2002A0143-ND1-np Crystal Structure of Linear Aliphatic Polyesters Containing Alkyl and Fluoroalkyl Chains Atsushi Takahara Kyusyu University Japan BL02B2 6
106 2002A0144-ND1-np Analysis of Surface Crystal Structure of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Films Atsushi Takahara Kyusyu University Japan BL13XU 6
107 2002A0145-NM-np Phase-contrast microtomography using an X-ray interferometer Atsushi Momose The University of Tokyo Japan BL20XU 27
108 2002A0146-NDL2-np Wide-angle-X-ray diffraction and Small-angle X-ray scattering of polymer fluid under flow Hiroki Murase TOYOBO Japan BL40B2 3
109 2002A0148-ND1-np Structures, electron densities and phase transitions of Zn4Sb3, K6(AlSiO4)6, Co3Mo3N and Fe3Mo3N Bo Brummerstedt Iversen University of Aarhus Denmark BL02B2 9
110 2002A0149-CD2-np Phase equilibria of peridotite under lower mantle conditions 2 Eiji Ito Okayama University Japan BL04B1 18
111 2002A0150-NM-np Measurement of photoneutron spectrum due to gas bremsstrahlung in the forward direction Yoshihiro Asano JAERI Japan BL40XU 9
112 2002A0152-ND1-np Structural study of Ge Te-Sb2Te3 pseudo binary compounds depending on the composition and temperatures Toshiyuki Matsunaga Matsushita Techno Research, Inc. Japan BL02B2 6
113 2002A0153-NS2-np High-Field XMCD study of induced magnetic compensation in Nd2Fe14B Jesus Chaboy Universidad de Zaragoza Spain BL39XU 12
114 2002A0155-NS2-np XMCD of Co-doped TiO2(anatase) tin filim and the origin of magnetic moments Satoshi Sasaki Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL39XU 12
115 2002A0156-ND3-np X-ray diffraction experiments for liquid silicon-germanium alloys Masanori Inui Hiroshima University Japan BL28B2 6
116 2002A0158-NM-np Study on development of measurement technique for dose estimation of synchrotron radiation Nobuteru Nariyama JASRI Japan BL20B2 3
117 2002A0159-NM-np Establishment of high-intense x-ray field and study on radiation-sensitive materials under extreme condition Nobuteru Nariyama JASRI Japan BL40XU 9
118 2002A0160-NX-np Analysis of structural change of ionomer resins and co-crosslinked rubbers under various stretching conditions. Hiroyuki Kishimoto Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. Japan BL01B1 9
119 2002A0161-NM-np Dark-field Scanning Microscopy using Momentum Analyzer Yoshio Suzuki JASRI Japan BL20XU 15
120 2002A0162-NM-np Characterization of High-resolution Imaging Detector in High Energy Regions Yoshio Suzuki JASRI Japan BL20XU 39
121 2002A0163-NX-np XAFS study of supported ruthenium oxide photocatalyst Kazuo Kato JASRI Japan BL38B1 3
122 2002A0164-ND2-np Electron Density Analysis of Hexamethylenetetramine under High Pressure Tomohiro Ikeda JAERI Japan BL10XU 3
123 2002A0166-NX-np Development of scanning capacitance microscope XAFS(SCM-XAFS)method Masashi Ishii JASRI Japan BL10XU 6
124 2002A0167-CS1-np Real-time monitoring photoelectron spectroscopy of oxidation on Ti surfaces Yuji Takakuwa Tohoku University Japan BL23SU 9
125 2002A0168-ND1-np Structural Study of Buried oxide layers in Implanted Si Wafers by X-ray Diffraction Technique Takayoshi Shimura Osaka University Japan BL13XU 15
126 2002A0169-NMD1-np Measurement of the fractional order reflections of the Si(111)7x7 reconstructed surface and in-situ observation during Ge adsorption Takayoshi Shimura Osaka University Japan BL13XU 27
127 2002A0171-NM-np Development of X-ray Topography for the Characterization of SOI Wafers Takayoshi Shimura Osaka University Japan BL20B2 9
128 2002A0172-NM-np Development of Kirkpatrik-Baez type total reflection mirrors for middle-length undulator beamline Akihisa Takeuchi JASRI Japan BL20XU 15
129 2002A0173-ND1-np X-ray scattering studies of CDW (charge-density wave) modulation in the layered ruthenate compound BaRuO3 Chao-Hung Du Taiwan Beamline Office at SPring-8 Japan BL02B1 15
130 2002A0174-NL2-np Hi-resolution coronary angiography using an undulator beamline. Keiji Umetani JASRI Japan BL20XU 3
131 2002A0175-NL2-np Observation of cardiac microcirculation using high speed microangiography system Keiji Umetani JASRI Japan BL28B2 12
132 2002A0176-NL2-np Development of 5-8 µm resolution microangiography system using 4M-pixel image detector Keiji Umetani JASRI Japan BL20B2 12
133 2002A0177-CL1-np High resolution x-ray structural study of the stable extrinsic CO ligand at the Ni site of [NiFe]hydrogenase at ultra-low temperature Yoshiki Higuchi Kyoto University Japan BL40B2 3
134 2002A0179-NLMD2-np Density measurement of micrometeorites using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography Akira Tsuchiyama Osaka University Japan BL47XU 12
135 2002A0180-NLMD2-np Search of zircon crystals in meteorites for dating using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography. Akira Tsuchiyama Osaka University Japan BL20B2 12
136 2002A0182-ND3-np Collective and localized excitations in liquid Si and Ge Shinya Hosokawa Philipps University of Marburg Grmany BL35XU 15
137 2002A0183-NL2-np Small-angle X-ray scattering studies on mechanism of particle formation of silica, and growth. Yaguchi Kazuhiko Fuji Silysia Chemical Ltd. Japan BL40B2 3
138 2002A0185-ND1-np The structures of EMIF•HF solid and liquid studied by high-energy X-ray diffraction Rika Hagiwara Kyoto University Japan BL04B2 9
139 2002A0188-ND2-np Structure Study on Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions of Scandium to 300GPa Yuichi Akahama Himeji Institute of Technology Japan BL10XU 3
140 2002A0189-ND2-np Powder X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of High-Pressure Phases of Solid Oxygen to 300GPa Yuichi Akahama Himeji Institute of Technology Japan BL10XU 6
141 2002A0190-NS1-np Size dependence of inner-shell excitation processes of free Ar clusters.Performance test of new supersonic clusterbeam source. Yusuke Tamenori JASRI Japan BL27SU 9
142 2002A0192-ND1-np Crystal Structure Analyses of Heavy-metal Compounds Exhibiting Pseudosymmetry Using High Energy X-Rays. Tomoji Ozeki Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL04B2 9
143 2002A0196-NL2-np Verification of Microstructure Qualities of ACR-Approved Mammography Phantoms using Refraction-Enhanced Imaging Keiko Imamura St. Marianna University School of Medicine Japan BL20B2 1
144 2002A0198-NS1-np Photoelectron Spectroscopy In Ba8Si46-xGex and Ba8Si46-xAgx Clathrates Keisuke Kobayashi JASRI Japan BL25SU 9
145 2002A0199-NS1-np Depth Profiling of Chemical Structures of Utrathin Silicon Oxynitride films Takeo Hattori Musashi Institute of Technology Japan BL27SU 6
146 2002A0200-NL1-np Improvement of resolution of Photosystem II crystals and its structural analysis Jian-Ren Shen Riken Japan BL41XU 4
147 2002A0201-ND1-np Test of a shield against Compton scattering from the first crystal of the BL13XU monochromator Osami Sakata JASRI Japan BL13XU 18
148 2002A0203-ND3-np Nuclear Resonant Scattering of SmB2C2 Satoshi Tsutsui JASRI Japan BL09XU 10
149 2002A0204-ND1-np Crystal structure analysis of calcium silicate hydrates Kentaro Sako Asahikasei Cooperation Japan BL02B2 3
150 2002A0206-NL2-np Structural changes in myosin cross-bridges in cardiac contraction with afterload Hiroshi Okuyama Kawasaki Medical School Japan BL45XU 4