SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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General/Budding Research Suport/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals 2005B (3/8)

S/N #1~#50 #51~#100 #101~#150 #151~#200 #201~#250 #251~#300 #301~#350 #351~#378

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal No. Title of Experiment Project Leader Affiliation Country Beamline Shifts
101 2005B0216 Proprietary Hirosuke Sumida Mazda Motor Corporation Japan BL01B1 1
102 2005B0222 Crystal structure analysis of P-type ion pumps Chikashi Toyoshima The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 6
103 2005B0226 Visualisation of the lipid bilayer in membrane protein crystals Chikashi Toyoshima The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 6
104 2005B0231 X-ray crystallography of TusBCD and MnmA, novel proteins involved in thiol group transfer to tRNA, in a complex with tRNA(Glu) Osamu Nureki Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL41XU 1
105 2005B0234 Probing the finite three dimensionality and interlayer coupling in the electronic states of layered high-temperature superconductors by soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission detecting three-dimensional states Akira Sekiyama Osaka University Japan BL25SU 12
106 2005B0235 X-ray diffraction analysis of interplanetary dust particles using Gandolfi camera Tomoki Nakamura Kyushu University Japan BL37XU 9
107 2005B0240 X-ray crystallography of a membrane repair enzyme, PspA (Phage shock protein A),functioning as a membrane chaperon Osamu Nureki Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL41XU 3
108 2005B0241 Measurement of thermal expansivity of the major upper-mantle minerals at high pressures Tomoo Katsura Okayama University Japan BL04B1 18
109 2005B0242 X-ray crystallography of cytochrome bo, membrane protein complex involved in the final step of the electron transport system, in a complex with Aurachin C, a ubiquinol analogue Osamu Nureki Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan BL41XU 3
110 2005B0245 Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Studies on Structural Transformation from Highly-Oriented Cylinders to Gyroid and Mechanism of Formation of the Gyroid Structure Shinichi Sakurai Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan BL40B2 6
111 2005B0246 Installation and alignment of SPELEEM at BL17SU FangZhun Guo JASRI Japan BL17SU 15
112 2005B0248 Non-destructive, high-resolution strain evaluation in strained Si substrates and process induced strain. Atsushi Ogura Meiji University Japan BL13XU 6
113 2005B0252 Local structure of metallic alloys among noble metals and IVb elements in the molten and amorphous states Shin'ichi Takeda Kyushu University Japan BL08W 9
114 2005B0253 Phonon investigation of Oxychcloride Alfred Q. Baron JASRI Japan BL35XU 15
115 2005B0256 XAFS Study on divalent metal ion endohedral fullerenes, Eu@C82 and Sm@C82 Yoshihiro Kubozono Okayama University Japan BL01B1 9
116 2005B0258 The chemical state of Fe and heavy metals in phosphorus extraction process from coagulated sludge Kazuyuki Oshita Kyoto University Japan BL01B1 6
117 2005B0262 Comparison of the resonant X-ray magnetic diffraction profiles for epitaxially grown Fe/Cu multilayers at the Cu K absorption edge with those expected from the first principle calculations Nobuyoshi Hosoito Nara Institute of Science and Technology Japan BL39XU 15
118 2005B0263 What causes the shift of 'super fast ' myosin heads toward actin ? Maki Yamaguchi The Jikei University School of Medicine Japan BL45XU 5
119 2005B0264 Sturcture analysis on two dimenstional aggregates formed by organic dye molecules at the air-water interface using a grazing X-ray diffraction method Noritaka Kato Waseda University Japan BL46XU 15
120 2005B0266 Inelastic x-ray scattering of SmFe4P12 Satoshi Tsutsui JASRI Japan BL35XU 12
121 2005B0267 Precision X-ray diffraction study on the factors that supramaximally activate skeletal muscle Hiroyuki Iwamoto JASRI Japan BL45XU 3
122 2005B0268 Observation of Phase Separation in PS/PMMA Polymer Blend with X-Ray Phase CT Atsushi Momose The University of Tokyo Japan BL20XU 18
123 2005B0269 Evaluation of focusing characteristics of sputtered-sliced multilevel Fresnel zone plate with high diffraction efficiency for high energy x-rays Nagao Kamijo Kansai Medical University Japan BL20XU 18
124 2005B0272 In situ X-ray measurements of iron-nickel alloys at Earth's core conditions Naohisa Hirao University of Hyogo Japan BL10XU 6
125 2005B0276 Dislocation Analysis Of GaN-HEMT Substrates by High Resolution SR Topography Kei Furuta Research and Development Association for Future Electron Devices Japan BL20B2 9
126 2005B0279 A study on mechanism of site-specific fragmentation in organosilicon molecules by using 3D-ion-momentum/high-resolution-electron coincidence spectroscopy Shin-ichi Nagaoka Ehime University Japan BL27SU 9
127 2005B0280 Transition of Local Structure in High-Pressure Super-Critical state of Oxygen by 60 KeV x-ray diffraction experiments Yuichi Akahama University of Hyogo Japan BL04B2 12
128 2005B0283 High pressure phase relation of the system MgSiO3-FeAlO3 up to above 100 GPa and its application to the lower mantle Kiyoshi Fujino Hokkaido University Japan BL10XU 6
129 2005B0284 Research on ordering state of ions and charge density distribution in Pb-free relaxor dielectrics. Hitoshi Tabata Osaka University Japan BL02B2 3
130 2005B0285 High P,T transformation of silicate perovskites indicating tolerance factor beyond unity. Hitoshi Yusa National Institute for Materials Science Japan BL10XU 6
131 2005B0287 Self-reneration of perovskite-based automotive in the redox atmmosphere Masashi Taniguchi Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. Japan BL28B2 12
132 2005B0290 Study of Interface Reaction in High-k/SiO2/Si Structures by using CTR Scattering Takayoshi Shimura Osaka University Japan BL13XU 9
133 2005B0291 Temperature dependence of the spin moments in UCu2Si2 Tatsuma D. Matsuda Japan Atomic Energy Agency Japan BL08W 15
134 2005B0292 Quantitative analysis of perovskite type oxide catalyst by cominational use of XAFS measurements and first-principles calculations Tomoyuki Yamamoto Waseda University Japan BL01B1 6
135 2005B0294 Crystallographic study of the catalytic domain of Glucosyltransferase-I from mutans streptococci Katsumi Imada Osaka University Japan BL41XU 6
136 2005B0295 High-resolution inelastic x-ray scattering experiments for liquid As2Se3 at high temperature and high pressure Kozaburo Tamura Kyoto University Japan BL35XU 18
137 2005B0296 Sturucture analysis of nanosheets synthesized from layered silicon composites Masashi Harada Toyota Central R&D Laboratories, Inc. Japan BL40B2 3
138 2005B0297 X-ray Absorption and XMCD on ferromagnetic MnAs clusters in a GaAs matrix Michael Sing University of Augsburg Germany BL25SU 12
139 2005B0300 X-ray scattering study on structural and magnetic properties in a two dimensional system of RNiC2 Susumu Shimomura Keio University Japan BL46XU 15
140 2005B0303 Four-dimensional observation of vesiculation in magmas using X-ray microtomography. Akira Tsuchiyama Osaka University Japan BL20B2 12
141 2005B0304 Effect of cosmetics ingredients on the structure of the stratum corneum lipid Hiromitsu Nakazawa Kwansei Gakuin University Japan BL40B2 6
142 2005B0307 High-pressure X ray experiments of the Fe-H and Ni-H systems Haruki Kawamura University of Hyogo Japan BL04B2 12
143 2005B0308 Subatomic resolution X-ray crystallography for direct observation of enzymatic reaction in Endopolygalacturonase. Toru Nakatsu Kyoto University Japan BL41XU 6
144 2005B0309 High-resolution x-ray imaging using hard x-ray PEEM with kinoform optics Kanta Ono High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Japan BL39XU 15
145 2005B0310 Study of Dependence of Giant Permittivity on Crystalline Structure for Barium Titanate Materials Synthesized With Containerless Processing Jianding Yu Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan BL02B2 3
146 2005B0311 Structural refinements of aluminous CaSiO3 perovskites using the CAESAR technique for angle-dispersive powder diffraction Yanbin Wang The University of Chicago USA BL04B1 12
147 2005B0312 Bulk-sensitive angle-resolved photoemission studies of 3d heavy-fermion transition metal oxide LiV2O4 James W. Allen University of Michigan USA BL25SU 12
148 2005B0313 Structural studies of liquid metals at high pressures Choong-Shik Yoo Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory USA BL10XU 15
149 2005B0315 Proprietary Nobuyuki Takagi Toyota Motor Corporation Japan BL01B1 6
150 2005B0317 High resolution Compoton scattering measurements on electron momentumn distribution of extremely high temperature melts Junpei Okada The University of Tokyo Japan BL08W 15