SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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General/Budding Research Suport/Time-Designated/Urgent Proposals 2006A (6/10)

S/N #1~#50 #51~#100 #101~#150 #151~#200 #201~#250 #251~#300 #301~#350 #351~#400 #401~#450 #451~#494

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal No. Title of Experiment Project Leader Affiliation Country Beamline Shifts
251 2006A1345 optical phonon softening in highly doped silicon Moritz Hoesch European Synchrotron Radiation Facility France BL35XU 12
252 2006A1346 Infrared study of Yb metal under high pressure Hidekazu Okamura Kobe University Japan BL43IR 33
253 2006A1347 Microanalysis of platinum group elements in terrestrial rock samples using X-ray absorption imaging and XRF Tetsu Kogiso Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Japan BL20XU 18
254 2006A1348 Study of oxygen and carbon localization in polycrystalline silicon substrates for solar cells by infrared micro-spectroscopy Yoshio Ohshita Toyota Technological Institute Japan BL43IR 6
255 2006A1349 Identification of a new ligand binding site in rhodopsin by x-ray crystallography Tetsuji Okada National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan BL41XU 3
256 2006A1350 Local crystal structure of alkaline-earth-filled skutterudites AT4Sb12 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba; T = Fe, Os) Masami Tsubota Japan Atomic Energy Agency Japan BL02B2 3
257 2006A1351 Structural analysis of Rh-Cr loaded (Ga1-xZnx)(N1-xOx) photocatalyst for water spiltting under visible light irradiation Kazunari Domen The University of Tokyo Japan BL01B1 3
258 2006A1352 Excitation energy and two-dimensional momentum dependence of the Cu 1s core-level resonance excitation of High Tc cuprates Shin Imada Osaka University Japan BL19LXU 21
259 2006A1353 Elucidation of the effects of hetero-atoms and alkali-metal ions on the formation of zeolites Tatsuya Okubo The University of Tokyo Japan BL04B2 12
260 2006A1354 Phonon properties of charge ordered Eu4As3 compound under high pressure studied by 151Eu nuclear resonant inelastic scattering Hisao Kobayashi University of Hyogo Japan BL09XU 18
261 2006A1355 X-ray crystallographic study of quinohemoprotein-alcoholdehydrogenase Ikuko Miyahara Osaka City University Japan BL41XU 3
262 2006A1356 Evaluation of the detector for small-angle x-ray scattering measurement at BL40B2 Katsuaki Inoue JASRI Japan BL40B2 11
263 2006A1359 Influence of Si Overgrowth on Compositional States and Strain Distribution in Ge/Si Nanostructures Kohei M Itoh Keio University Japan BL46XU 9
264 2006A1362 X-ray crystallography of complexes of transcription termination factors Shun-ichi Sekine The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 3
265 2006A1364 Synthesis of a new transition metal nitride Takehiko Yagi The University of Tokyo Japan BL10XU 6
266 2006A1366 Research on structure of CsLiB6O10 melt Masashi Yoshimura Osaka University Japan BL04B2 6
267 2006A1367 Nano-composite Structure of Metal Salts Educed within Hydrophilic Polymers. Akio Kawaguchi Kyoto University Japan BL40B2 3
268 2006A1369 Analysis of character of hypervalent bonds in hexa-coordinated carbon compound by an accurate experimental electron distribution Daisuke Hashizume The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) Japan BL04B2 6
269 2006A1370 Time-resolved x-ray analysis of a domain structure of a PZT ferroelectric thinfilm during its polarization switching: preparation of timing synchronization Osami Sakata JASRI Japan BL13XU 15
270 2006A1371 Effect of anodic oxide film structure change on its breakdown Masatoshi Sakairi Hokkaido University Japan BL46XU 6
271 2006A1372 Substrate recognized mechanism of aminopeptidase N Yoshitaka Nakajima Nagasaki University Japan BL38B1 3
272 2006A1376 Dynamical Structure of 1,3-Propanediol Takashi Kamiyama Hokkaido University Japan BL35XU 12
273 2006A1377 Feasibility study of X-ray microscopy with Talbot interferometry Atsushi Momose The University of Tokyo Japan BL20XU 9
274 2006A1378 Analysis of Polyester single fiber Using WAXS technigues Naoki Miyamoto Hyogo Prefectural Police Headquarters Japan BL40XU 6
275 2006A1379 On the Relation between Charge-ordering and the Phonon Softening in High-Temperature Superconductors Takao Sasagawa The University of Tokyo Japan BL35XU 15
276 2006A1380 Effects of polydispersity of molecular weight on inhomogeneity in periodicity of micropahse-separated structures in block copolymer systems. Yukihiro Nishikawa Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan BL40B2 3
277 2006A1381 Proprietary Nobuyuki Takagi Toyota Motor Corporation Japan BL01B1 6
278 2006A1382 Exploration of phase transitions in mantle minerals at pressures to 50 GPa and temperatures to 2500 K inferred from first principle calculations Tetsuo Irifune Ehime University Japan BL04B1 15
279 2006A1383 Proprietary Yoshiyasu Saito National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan BL47XU 1
280 2006A1385 The Evaluation of Nanoparticles and nanorods in REBa2Cu3O7-x superconducting films by Small Angle Scattering Kaname Matsumoto Kyoto University Japan BL40B2 3
281 2006A1386 Crystallographic study of the bacterial flagellar motor protein MotY Katsumi Imada Osaka University Japan BL41XU 3
282 2006A1387 In-situ Measurement of Micro-bubble in Mercury Takahisa Shobu Japan Atomic Energy Agency Japan BL20XU 6
283 2006A1389 High resolution Compton scattering measurements on electron momentumn distribution of extremely high temperature melts Junpei Okada The University of Tokyo Japan BL08W 12
284 2006A1390 Influence of water on phase transition in olivine and peridotite compositions with implication to 410- and 520-km discontinuity in the transition zone Konstantin Litasov Tohoku University Japan BL04B1 6
285 2006A1391 Three-Dimensional Observation of Nano-particle Aggregated Structure in Polymer with Ultra High Spatial Resolution X-ray CT Method Hiroyuki Kishimoto SRI Research & Development Ltd. Japan BL47XU 6
286 2006A1392 Mechanism of antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic transition accompanied by anomalous crystal distortion Shin Imada Osaka University Japan BL25SU 15
287 2006A1393 R&D for improvement of whole SAXS equipment at BL40B2 Katsuaki Inoue JASRI Japan BL40B2 6
288 2006A1394 XAFS Studies on the Local Structures of Highly Dispersed Mo Oxide Photocatalysts. Masaya Matsuoka Osaka Prefecture University Japan BL01B1 3
289 2006A1395 Energy Relaxation of the Inner-Shell Excited Perfluorocyclobutane Molecule Studied by the Measurement of Kinetic Energy of Photofragment Ions Kazumasa Okada Hiroshima University Japan BL27SU 9
290 2006A1396 Study of the magnetic properties of Neptunium 1-1-5 type compounds by hard X-ray absorption magnetic circular dichroism Tetsuo Okane Japan Atomic Energy Agency Japan BL39XU 15
291 2006A1397 Observation of bone repair process in the same individual rat using monochromatic synchrotron radiation in-vivo CT Takeshi Matsumoto Osaka University Japan BL20B2 9
292 2006A1399 Fast X-ray diffraction measurements on the atomic short range order in the solidification process from the undercooled quasicrystal melts with Electronstatic levitation technique Junpei Okada The University of Tokyo Japan BL04B2 6
293 2006A1400 In situ measurement of interfacial energy of liquid Fe-S using sessile drop method under high pressure. Hidenori Terasaki Tohoku University Japan BL04B1 12
294 2006A1401 Development of a soft x-ray MCD measurement by total fluorescent yield Tetsuya Nakamura JASRI Japan BL25SU 12
295 2006A1402 Development of real-time plane-wave x-ray diffraction topography Satoshi Iida Toyama University Japan BL20XU 9
296 2006A1405 X-ray crystal structural analysis of microbial polysaccharide lyases Wataru Hashimoto Kyoto University Japan BL38B1 3
297 2006A1407 Measurement of static structure factor of liquid hafnium Tadahiko Masaki Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan BL04B2 6
298 2006A1408 Structure Analysis of Nanoporous polymeric thin films by Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS) Hideaki Yokoyama National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan BL40B2 3
299 2006A1410 Proprietary Yoshiaki Tsukamoto Matsushita Technoresearch, Inc. Japan BL19B2 2
300 2006A1411 Study on mechanism of crossover of electronic state from metal to insulator of superconductor CuRh2S4 under high pressure. Takao Nanba Kobe University Japan BL43IR 30