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2007B: Long-term Proposals

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; E-mail: sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal No. Title of Experiment Project Leader Affiliation Country Beamline Shifts
1 2007B0006 Measurement of SuperRENS material properties Paul Fons National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology  Japan BL01B1 6
2 2007B0010 Functions and structure woven by coexisting charge-ordered domains: Time- and space- resolved X-ray diffraction from fluctuating charge orders Ichiro Terasaki Waseda University Japan BL02B1 42
3 2007B0015 Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopy (NRVS) of Iron-Sulfur Enzymes for Hydrogen Metabolism, Nitrogen Fixation, and Photosynthesis Stephen Paul Cramer University of California Davis USA BL09XU 42
4 2007B0002 Phase-contrast imaging of lungs Rob Lewis Monash University Australia BL20B2 18
5 2007B0014 In-situ observation of microstructure evolution during solidification by using time-resolved X-ray imaging with high spatial resolution Hideyuki Yasuda Osaka University Japan BL20B2 12
6 2007B0003 Study of filler aggregate structure in rubber by time-resolved two-dimensional ultra-small- and small-angle X-ray scattering Yoshiyuki Amemiya The University of Tokyo Japan BL20XU 15
7 2007B0011 Measurement of SuperRens Optical Memory Properties Paul Fons National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology  Japan BL39XU 30
8 2007B0004 Study of filler aggregate structure in rubber by time-resolved two-dimensional ultra-small- and small-angle X-ray scattering Yoshiyuki Amemiya The University of Tokyo Japan BL40B2 9
9 2007B0012 Supramolecular Structure of a New Cationic Liposome/p-DNA Complex and Structural Development and Dynamics Kazuo Sakurai The University of Kitakyushu Japan BL40B2 12
10 2007B0013 Crystallographic analysis on the reaction mechanism of membrane transport proteins Chikashi Toyoshima The University of Tokyo Japan BL41XU 30
11 2007B0005 Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Accurate Analysis of Next Generation Nano- Scale Devices for Post-Scaling Technology Shigeaki Zaima Nagoya University Japan BL47XU 24