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Priority Research Proposals: 2011B Nanotechnology Support Proposals

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; E-mail: sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal Number Proposal Title Project Leader Affiliation Country Affiliation Category Research Category Shift Beamline Proprietary(P)
1 2011B1702 Construction of Exotic Nanostructures Designed for Exciton and Charge Carrier Transportation Shiki Yagai Chiba University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 3 BL02B2 Np
2 2011B1703 Structural Study of Layered Inorganic Ion-Exchangeable Materials with Cesium, Strontium, or Iodine Ions for Improvement of Removal Ability of Radioactive Ions from Water Environment Ryo Sasai Shimane University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL02B2 Np
3 2011B1712 Observation of Structural Change of metastable fcc Ru Nanoparticles Induced by Hydrogen Hiroshi Kitagawa Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL02B2 Np
4 2011B1729 Analysis on change in crystal structures and deposits on surface for O2-type Lix[LiyMn1-y]O2 as new high-capacity electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries Shinichi Komaba Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 3 BL02B2 Np
5 2011B1732 Crystal Structure and Electron Density Distribution Analysis of MPB Interface Structure for Porous Barium Titanate Potassium Niobate Nano-structured Ceramics with Enhanced Piezoelectric Properties Satoshi Wada University of Yamanashi Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL02B2 Np
6 2011B1709 Clarification of the Cooperative Structural Transition of a Hybridized Flexible Porous Coordination Polymer Crystal Susumu Kitagawa Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL13XU Np
7 2011B1726 Polarization structure of a gate insulator for organic transistors: Electric field effect on ionic liquid/solid interface Yusuke Wakabayashi Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL13XU Np
8 2011B1737 Analysis of the distribution of three-dimensional local strain in thick AlN films directly grown on trench-patterned sapphire substrates Akira Sakai Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL13XU Np
9 2011B1740 X-ray diffraction study on the working layer of organic thin-film field effect transistor: The structure of buried interface between the substrate and pentacene layer Hiroyuki Yoshida Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL13XU Np
10 2011B1700 Origin of the high temperature ferromagnetism in ZnO nanoparticles and thin films I: S L-edges XMCD study Jesus Chaboy CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza Spain Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL25SU Np
11 2011B1707 Mechanism of a high perpendicular exchange bias by the antiferromagnetic α-Cr2O3 thin film Yu Shiratsuchi Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL25SU Np
12 2011B1713 Study of magnetization excitation and relaxation using real-space observation of microwave-induced magnetic vortex-vortex pair dynamics by time-resolved photoemission electron microscope in an elliptic Fe19Ni81 dot Akinobu Yamaguchi National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL25SU Np
13 2011B1720 Investigation of electric-field induced magnetic anisotropy change in FePd ultra-thin films by fluorescence yield soft-XMCD Yoshishige Suzuki Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL25SU Np
14 2011B1717 Soft X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study on SiO2/Si Interface Structures Formed on Atomically Flat Si(100) Using Highly Refined Oxidation Process Akinobu Teramoto Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL27SU Np
15 2011B1721 Elucidation of the role of transition metal in activation mechanism of oxygen reduction reaction in carbon alloy cathode catalysts for fuel cell derived from N-containing polymer by soft x-ray spectroscopy Yoshihisa Harada The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL27SU Np
16 2011B1722 Study of electrical activation and clustering of impurities highly doped in extremely near surface of Si crystals depending on annealing conditions by using soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Kazuo Tsutsui Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL27SU Np
17 2011B1745 Analysis of electronic structure of half-Heusler type thermoelectric materials ZrNi1-x-yCoxIrySn alloys by resonant photoemission spectroscopy Hidetoshi Miyazaki Nagoya Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL27SU Np
18 2011B1705 In situ evaluation of oxygen potential distribution in a porous LaCoO3-based electrode for solid oxide fuel cells by using the high temperature electrochemical micro XAFS technique Koji Amezawa Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 9 BL37XU Np
19 2011B1706 Targeting Pathways and Microdistribution in Lymph Node Metastasis of Polymeric Micelles Incorporating Platinum Anticancer Drugs Horacio Cabral The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Medical Applications 9 BL37XU Np
20 2011B1715 A new classification of hepatitis stages of Wilson disease by tissue element imaging Akihiro Matsuura Fujita Health University Japan Educational Organization Medical Applications 12 BL37XU Np
21 2011B1731 Cellular localization of uranium in the renal proximal tubules during onset of uranium toxicity Shino Takeda National Institute of Radiological Sciences Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Medical Applications 9 BL37XU Np
22 2011B1741 Search for hyper-accumulator plants of Cs for phytoremediation and study on their accumulation mechanism Izumi Nakai Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Environmental Science 9 BL37XU Np
23 2011B1742 Distribution and host phases of rare metals in ferromanganese nodules: application of micro-XRF using high energy X-ray beam Yoshio Takahashi Hiroshima University Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 12 BL37XU Np
24 2011B1699 Nanometer-sized effect of magnetic property in very fine pitched magnetic dot arrays with a diameter and a pitch of less than 50 nm (Study of nano-magnetics) Sumio Hosaka Gunma University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL39XU Np
25 2011B1704 In-situ dynamic XAFS measurements of switching in Phase-Change memory devices Paul Fons National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 24 BL39XU Np
26 2011B1719 Magnetic switching behavior of decorated FePt nano-dot pattern with huge perpendicular magnetic anisotropy aiming at T bit/inch2 magnetic recording media Shunji Ishio Akita University Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 15 BL39XU Np
27 2011B1727 Nanostructure analysis of polymer-stabilized blue phases with various monomers Hirotsugu Kikuchi Kyushu University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL40B2 Np
28 2011B1733 Structural Analysis of Liquid Thin Film in Confined Space Kazue Kurihara Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL40B2 Np
29 2011B1735 Anomalous small-angle X-ray scattering from Encapsulation of a Hydrophobic Drug into a Polymer-Micelle Core and Cationic Lipid / DNA complex Kazuo Sakurai The University of Kitakyushu Japan Educational Organization Medical Applications 12 BL40B2 Np
30 2011B1710 Electronic structures of one-dimensional systems related to bio-materials Hiroki Wadati The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL47XU Np
31 2011B1711 Inner structure analysis of biodegradable nano-porous fibers by X-ray microtomography and control of the release rate of drug from biodegradable fibers Tadahisa Iwata The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL47XU Np
32 2011B1736 Elucidation of the role of transition metal in activation mechanism of oxygen reduction reaction in carbon alloy cathode catalysts for fuel cell derived from N-containing polymer by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Yoshihisa Harada The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL47XU Np