SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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General Proposals 2013A (5/10)

S/N #1-50 #51-100 #101-150 #151-200 #201-250 #251-300 #301-350 #351-400 #401-450 #450-474
S/N Proposal Number Proposal Title Project Leader Affiliation Country Affiliation Category Research Category Shift Beamline Proprietary(P)
201 2013A1323 Synthesis and Functionalization of Heterometallic Clusters in Protein Cage Satoshi Abe Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 BL38B1 Np
202 2013A1324 Mechanism of improving superconducting properties of FeTe1-xSex by O2-annealing: Soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. Takayoshi Yokoya Okayama University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL25SU Np
203 2013A1325 Study of the foaming mechanism of the rubber influenced by temperature and pressure. Takashi Hirota The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 3 BL19B2 Np
204 2013A1327 Development of three-dimensional analysis technology of trace elements in skin tissue Sadanori Ban Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co., Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 12 BL37XU Np
205 2013A1328 Study on 1-D microstrip detector MYTHEN for Development of a New Powder-XRD instrument (3) Keiichi Osaka Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Industrial Applications 3 BL19B2 Np
206 2013A1329 Development of SR-XRD analysis of soils for forensic use: the coastal region on the Sea of Japan Keiichi Osaka Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 6 BL19B2 Np
207 2013A1331 Development of High energy SR-XRF analysis of soils for forensic use: Hokkaido (I) Keiichi Osaka Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 15 BL08W Np
208 2013A1332 Strain effect of the metal-insulator transition temperature in single crystal VO2 micro-wires. Yasuhiko Imai Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL13XU Np
209 2013A1333 Structural comparison of hydrogenated and deuterated Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids Marie-Louise Saboungi Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique France Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL04B2 Np
210 2013A1339 Elucidation of the mechanism of multilayer formation induced by mixing of molecules with different orientation Takanori Takiue Kyushu University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL37XU Np
211 2013A1340 Structural changes in middle and late photo-reaction intermediates of squid rhodopsin Tsutomu Kouyama Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL38B1 Np
212 2013A1341 IR studies of phenyl or lithium modified silicon nanosheets Hideyuki Nakano Toyota Central R&D Laboratories, Inc. Japan Industry Materials Science and Engineering 4 BL43IR Np
213 2013A1343 Polymer Crystallization under confinement with nm scale Takahiko Kawai Gunma University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL40B2 Np
214 2013A1344 Electronic state of Rh and Pt about Rh/ZrP2O7 and Pt/Al2O3 catalysts under stoichiometric and lean conditions. Yuki Nagao Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 12 BL14B2 Np
215 2013A1346 Study of the correlation between the percussive sound and the residual strain distribution of cymbals Toshio Koide Koide Production Co., Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 9 BL28B2 Np
216 2013A1347 Development of Total-Reflection X-ray absorption fine structure at BL14B2 Yosuke Taniguchi Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Industrial Applications 9 BL14B2 Np
217 2013A1349 Structure of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 studied by anomalous x-ray scattering technique - Effect of sample preparation method on structure Takeshi Usuki Yamagata University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL13XU Np
218 2013A1350 Structural analysis of plant sulfotransferase Yoshimitsu Kakuta Kyushu University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL38B1 Np
219 2013A1351 In situ observation of grain refinement under ultrasonic vibration using X-ray imaging Tomoya Nagira Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL20XU Np
220 2013A1352 Fast sensitive phase contrast imaging with a single grating for in vivo biomedical studies Kaye Morgan Monash University Australia Foreign Medical Applications 6 BL20XU Np
221 2013A1353 Study on the conformational change and protein folding mechanism of group II chaperonin by Diffracted X-ray Tracking Masafumi Yohda Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Japan Educational Organization Life Science 18 BL40XU Np
222 2013A1355 In-plane lattice parameter determination of ultra thin-flake 2H-tantalum disulfide Jianting Ye The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL13XU Np
223 2013A1356 In situ observation of formation process of chondrules under the condition of primitive solar nebula Masayuki Uesugi Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Earth and Planetary Science 6 BL20B2 Np
224 2013A1358 Understanding the Structure-Property Relationship in Physically Crosslinked Elastomers by the Simultaneous Measurements of SAXS/Stress-Strain Tests/Birefringence Shinichi Sakurai Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL45XU Np
225 2013A1359 Conformational change upon oxidation of peroxiredoxin from an anaerobic archaeon Pyrococcus horikoshii Tsutomu Nakamura National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 3 BL38B1 Np
226 2013A1360 Structure and morphology of nano-oriented crystals (NOCs) of polymers Kiyoka Okada Hiroshima University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL40B2 Np
227 2013A1364 Phase relation in MgCr2O4-Magnesiochromite up to 60 GPa and 2000°C Takehiro Kunimoto Ehime University Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 9 BL04B1 Np
228 2013A1365 Structural analysis of membrane proteins involved in iron uptake system Hiroshi Sugimoto RIKEN Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 3 BL41XU Np
229 2013A1366 Magnetic domain structure and morphology of L10-type FeNi ordered structure Masato Kotsugi Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL17SU Np
230 2013A1368 Valence states of Yb ions in YbAlB4 under pressure and at low temperature studied by X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy Hisao Kobayashi University of Hyogo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL39XU Np
231 2013A1369 Development of Environmental Cell for “in-situ” Observations of Electronic States in Chemical Reactions Eiji Ikenaga Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Chemical Science 15 BL47XU Np
232 2013A1370 Crystal structure analysis of programmable heteromeric metal ion arrays inside four-fold rotaxane stacked arrays of porphyrins and phthalocyanines Yasuyuki Yamada Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 6 BL02B1 Np
233 2013A1372 Structural elucidation of substrate recognition mechanism of the gram-positive bacterial cell surface chitinase ChiW. Takafumi Itoh Fukui Prefectural University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 BL38B1 Np
234 2013A1373 Evaluation of redox state of an arc magma by sulfur speciation of melt inclusions using soft X-ray microbeam Kenji Shimizu Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Earth and Planetary Science 12 BL27SU Np
235 2013A1376 Quantification of aquaous altered minerals in carbonaceous chondrites and observation of fluid inclusions in the minerals by XRD-CT Masayuki Uesugi Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Earth and Planetary Science 9 BL20XU Np
236 2013A1377 Sound velocity measurement of iron at high pressure and temperature by combining inelastic X-ray scattering and double-sided laser heating diamond anvil cell, and its implications for the Earth’s inner core Tatsuya Sakamaki Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 15 BL35XU Np
237 2013A1379 Crystallographic studies of G-protein coupled receptors as druggable targets Tatsuro Shimamura Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 9 BL32XU Np
238 2013A1380 Study about silicate minerals in the subducting slab under lower mantle conditions Tatsuya Sakamaki Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 12 BL10XU Np
239 2013A1381 Deformation behavior of nano-polycrystalline diamond subjected to high stress load V Hitoshi Sumiya Sumitomo Electric Industories, Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 7 BL10XU Np
240 2013A1384 Development of imaging microtomography system using high-resolution wide field-of-view imaging microscopy optics Yoshio Suzuki Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 21 BL37XU Np
241 2013A1385 Investigation of formation process of regolith particles on asteroid surface by X-ray CT observation of Itokawa samples Masayuki Uesugi Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Earth and Planetary Science 9 BL47XU Np
242 2013A1386 Investigation of dynamic structural conversion of microtubules using x-ray fiber diffraction. Shinji Kamimura Chuo University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL45XU Np
243 2013A1387 Analysis of adhesion bonding system between brass and rubber for high durability of tires-Analysis of the chemical state of Sulfur in tires II Takashi Kakubo The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 3 BL27SU Np
244 2013A1391 Evaluation analysis of the high resolution nuclear emulsion detector for high precision discrimination between neutrons and gamma-rays with the extension X-ray microscopy and the scanning X-ray microscopy. Tatsuhiro Naka Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Beamline Engineering 18 BL37XU Np
245 2013A1392 Characterization of the origin of radioactive particles in atmosphere dusts by micro-XRF-XRD-XAFS analyses Izumi Nakai Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Environmental Science 6 BL37XU Np
246 2013A1394 Crystal structure determination of intermetallic compounds in the Fe-Zn system Haruyuki Inui Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL02B1 Np
247 2013A1395 Study on Red-ox dynamics over a non-platinum group metal (PGM) oxidation catalyst and high performance ceria promoter catalysts Yutaka Tai National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL01B1 Np
248 2013A1396 GISAXS Studies on the BCC Lattice in Which Spherical Microdomains Are Thoroughly Ordered By Means of the Cold Zone Annealing Shinichi Sakurai Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL40B2 Np
249 2013A1397 Inelastic x-ray scattering measurement of liquid water-ethanol mixtures: concentration dependence Yukio Kajihara Hiroshima University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL35XU Np
250 2013A1399 A study on surface structures and solid electrolyte interphase of carbon-based electrodes for rechargeable sodium batteries by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Shinichi Komaba Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL46XU Np