SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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General Proposals 2013B (4/9)

S/N #1-50 #51-100 #101-150 #151-200 #201-250 #251-300 #301-350 #351-400 #401-439

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; E-mail: sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

*The proposals to be carried out through the complementary use of SPring-8 and J-PARC/MLF

S/N Proposal Number Proposal Title Project Leader Affiliation Country Affiliation Category Research Category Shift Beamline Proprietary(P)/
151 2013B1270 structural analysis of oriented lipic cubic phase Toshihiko Oka Shizuoka University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL40B2 Np
152 2013B1271 X-ray absorption study of band inversion in topological crystalline insulators Alexander Kolobov National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL01B1 Np
153 2013B1272 Structural analysis of a transcription factor involved in the hydrogen production by small angle X-ray scattering Akira Hirata Ehime University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 BL45XU Np
154 2013B1273 Structure determination of thermophilic D-aminoacylase Tsutomu Nakamura National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 6 BL38B1 Np
155 2013B1275 Three dimensional atomic image of Bi2Te3:Fe topological-insulator compound Shinya Hosokawa Kumamoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL09XU Np
156 2013B1277 Study on the multidrug recognition mechanism of eukaryotic multidrug exporter-type ABC transporters Atsushi Kodan Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 4.5 BL41XU Np
157 2013B1279 Screening of purification and crystallization conditions of oxygen-evolving photosystem II crystal towards 1.5 Å resolution Keisuke Kawakami Osaka City University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 4.5 BL41XU Np
158 2013B1280 Crystal structure analysis of trimeric autotransporter adhesin from Acinetobacter Sp. Atsuo Suzuki Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL38B1 Np
159 2013B1284 Study of anomalous X-ray circular dichroism spectrum observed in the hcp-Fe high-pressure phase Naoki Ishimatsu Hiroshima University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL39XU Np
160 2013B1285 Combined X-ray and Neutron electron density studies of Organic Semiconductors Bo Iversen University of Aarhus Denmark Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL02B1 Np
161 2013B1287 Investigation of Structural Evidence for the Economical Production of PET Bottle by Utilizing the Solvent-Induced Crystallization Phenomenon Kohji Tashiro Toyota Technological Institute Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL40B2 Np
162 2013B1288 Structural study for uncovering the structure-activity relationship of teratogenic compounds Yoshinori Hirano Nara Institute of Science and Technology Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 BL41XU Np
163 2013B1289 Investigating the hydrogen bond dynamics in water using IXS Takeshi Egami University of Tennessee USA Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 21 BL35XU Np
164 2013B1290 Dissolution processes of Fe and Zn in mineral dust into seawater related to the growth of phytoplankton in seawater Yoshio Takahashi Hiroshima University Japan Educational Organization Environmental Science 9 BL01B1 Np
165 2013B1291 Exploring the Local Configurational Excitation of a Model Colloidal System Using XPCS Takeshi Egami University of Tennessee USA Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL40XU Np
166 2013B1293 Synthesis and characterization of high-durability BEA zeolite prepared by recrystallization treatment Toru Wakihara The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL04B2 Np
167 2013B1294 Reduction of supported copper(I) oxide as studied by in-situ XAFS measurements using conversion electron yield Yasuhiro Inada Ritsumeikan University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 3 BL01B1 Np
168 2013B1295 Relation between spatio-temporal structure of polymer nano-composites and dynamic viscoelasticity [complementary use] Tomomi Masui Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 11 BL20XU Np
169 2013B1296 Chemical form of Cesium in particle of waste incineration flue gas using X-ray microbeam Masaki Takaoka Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Environmental Science 6 BL37XU Np
170 2013B1297 Effect of carrier doping on ferromagnetic transition in a rare-earth clathrate Eu8Ga16Ge30 Takahiro Onimaru Hiroshima University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL39XU Np
171 2013B1298 Transverse phonon excitations in a Pd-based alloy with liquid and supercooled liquid phases Shinya Hosokawa Kumamoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL35XU Np
172 2013B1300 Quantitative analysis and discrimination of small automobile aluminum wheel fragments using high energy synchrotron radiation x-ray fluorescence spectrometry Yoshinori Nishiwaki Kochi University Japan Educational Organization Other 6 BL08W Np
173 2013B1301 Elucidation of precious coral biomineralization using sulfur species as an environmental proxy Nozomu Iwasaki Rissho University Japan Educational Organization Environmental Science 6 BL27SU Np
174 2013B1302 Real surface structure enhancing the activity for the oxygen reduction reaction of fuel cells: Pt(110) electrode Nagahiro Hoshi Chiba University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 12 BL13XU Np
175 2013B1303 Measurements of spin and orbital magnetic moments in Nd magnets by means of the magnetic Compton scattering method Shoji Ishibashi National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL08W Np
176 2013B1304 Helicity dependence of gigantic spin waves induced on GdFeCo films by femto-second laser: Macroscopic observation of inverse-Faraday effect Takuo Ohkouchi Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL25SU Np
177 2013B1305 Structural study of a bacterial flagellar axial protein in complex with its cognate chaperone Katsumi Imada Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL41XU Np
178 2013B1307 Selective Detection of Spin / Orbital Momentum Polarized Electrons from Ni Magnetic Thin Film at Spin Reorientation Transition by Resonant Auger Electron Diffraction Fumihiko Matui Nara Institute of Science and Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL25SU Np
179 2013B1309 Nondestructive provenance investigation of radioactive atmospheric aerosols by SR-micro-XRF-XRD-XAFS analyses Izumi Nakai Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Environmental Science 18 BL37XU Np
180 2013B1310 Structural Analysis of Phosphorylated CRMP2 Ryo Nitta The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 BL38B1 Np
181 2013B1313 Real-space X-ray holographic imaging of biomolecules by utilizing DNA origami Hiroyuki Iwamoto Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 9 BL40XU Np
182 2013B1315 Assessment of stereotactic body microbeam radiation therapy. Naritoshi Mukumoto Kobe University Japan Educational Organization Medical Applications 9 BL28B2 Np
183 2013B1316 Local Structure Investigation of Ag and Cu on Hydroxyapatite Base Antimicrobial Materia Mitsutaka Sato Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 3 BL01B1 Np
184 2013B1321 Structural Analysis of Ionic Liquids and Nanoparticles Confined in Nano-Space between Solid Surfaces with Controlled Thickness Kazue Kurihara Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL40B2 Np
185 2013B1324 Innovative aerospace materials: Fundamental assessments based on long-unrecognized fracture mechanisms revealed at SPring-8 Hiroyuki Toda Kyushu University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL20XU Np
186 2013B1326 Correlation between metal-insulator transition in a single crystal VO2 micro-wire and its strain. Yasuhiko Imai Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL13XU Np
187 2013B1327 Universality of anharmonic phonon and electron-lattice coupling of RB6 Kazuaki Iwasa Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL35XU Np
188 2013B1328 Examination of the anion ordering in the perovskite oxynitrides epitaxial thin film by photoelectron holography Yasushi Hirose The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL25SU Np
189 2013B1332 Guest-host interaction in Prussian blue analogues Yutaka Moritomo University of Tsukuba Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL02B2 Np
190 2013B1333 Effects of myosin inhibitors, calcium and temperature on muscle contraction as examined by X-ray diffraction Hiroyuki Iwamoto Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 6 BL45XU Np
191 2013B1339 Structural elucidation of chitin degardation mechanism of the bacterial cell surface chitinase ChiW. Takafumi Itoh Fukui Prefectural University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 BL38B1 Np
192 2013B1340 Evaluation and application of pollution biomonitoring using bivalve shells Toshihiro Yoshimura Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Environmental Science 9 BL27SU Np
193 2013B1342 X-ray structural analysis of cell-adhesion membrane proteins Hiroshi Suzuki Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL38B1 Np
194 2013B1345* Effects of molecular weights on shish-kebab formation (Complementary use) Toshiji Kanaya Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL40B2 Np
195 2013B1348 Development of detectors using a plastic or a fast inorganic scintillator for the I-127 nuclear resonant scattering experiments Shunji Kishimoto High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Beamline Engineering 9 BL09XU Np
196 2013B1351 SR-FTIR microscopy analysis of illicit drugs synthesized by several synthesis routes Takashi Hashimoto Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 6 BL43IR Np
197 2013B1355 The Fermi surface of MgCNi3 Stephen Dugdale University of Bristol UK Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 21 BL08W Np
198 2013B1356 SR-XRD analysis of illicit drugs synthesized by several synthesis routes Takashi Hashimoto Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 3 BL02B2 Np
199 2013B1357 Structural study of the mixed valence alkali sesquioxides A4O6 at high pressure Kosmas Prassides Durham University UK Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL10XU Np
200 2013B1359 EXAFS analysis of coordination of Cu2+ of a red copper protein designed in the four helical bundled protein Toshiki Tanaka Nagoya Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL01B1 Np