SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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General Proposals 2014A (2/10)

S/N #1~50 #51-100 #101-150 #151-200 #201-250 #251-300 #301-350 #351-400 #401-450 #451-478

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; E-mail: sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal Number Proposal Title Project Leader Affiliation Country Affiliation Category Research Category Shift Beamline Proprietary(P)/
51 2014A1109 X-ray crystallography of ubiquitin-binding proteins in the NF-kB pathway Ryohei Ishii The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 1 BL41XU Np
52 2014A1112 Structural analysis of Ni-based bimetallic nanocatalysts for biomass decomposition Hiroyuki Asakura Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 6 BL01B1 Np
53 2014A1114 Effect of inoculation for the formation of graphite in the high-purity cast iron. Akira Sugiyama Osaka Sangyo University Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 9 BL20XU Np
54 2014A1115 Study of relationship between spin transition and change in structure of melt of iron alloys Shigeaki Ono Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Earth and Planetary Science 6 BL10XU Np
55 2014A1116 Structural analysis of the Ca2+/cation exchanger involved in cell homeostasis Tomohiro Nishizawa The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL32XU Np
56 2014A1118 High-resolution analysis of the local structure in breaking tip of the crystalline elastomer Masatoshi Tosaka Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL40XU Np
57 2014A1119 in situ XAFS studies on the formation process of supported metal catalysts for biomass processes Kazu Okumura Kogakuin University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 9 BL01B1 Np
58 2014A1121 Operando analysis of 2D atomic thin layer transistor by using nano x-ray absorption spectroscopy with the aid of photoemission electron microscopy Hirokazu Fukidome Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL17SU Np
59 2014A1123 Crystal structure analyses of innate immune proteins Umeharu Ohto The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 2 BL41XU Np
60 2014A1124 Role of valence electron for Valence fluctuation of heavy fermion compound YbRh2Si2
~change of electron density in momentum space~
Masaichiro Mizumaki Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 24 BL08W Np
61 2014A1126 A trial to detect precursory enhancement of small angle scattering due to critical fluctuations associated with the liquid-liquid phase transition in SnI4 and a study on the structure of liquid GeI4 Kazuhiro Fuchizaki Ehime University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL04B2 Np
62 2014A1127 Structural investigation of liquid FeX compounds under high pressure and implications for the Earth’s core Guillaume Morard IMPMC, University Paris 6 France Foreign Earth and Planetary Science 9 BL10XU Np
63 2014A1128 Examination of local coordination state of In+ species in oxide glasses Hirokazu Masai Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL01B1 Np
64 2014A1133 Investigation of forensic discrimination of automobile tire rubber based on sulfur chemical states Atsushi Funatsuki Mie Prefectural Police Headquarters Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 6 BL27SU Np
65 2014A1134 Structural analysis of phosphate glasses possessing no phosphate chain unit Hirokazu Masai Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL04B2 Np
66 2014A1139 Structural Basis for regulation mechanism of MAP kinase activity Toshiji Tada Osaka Prefecture University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL38B1 Np
67 2014A1141 Simultaneous SAXS/WAXS analysis of single fibers for criminal investigation Sadao Honda Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 3 BL40XU Np
68 2014A1142 Simultaneous SAXS/WAXS analysis of plastic films for criminal investigation Takashi Hashimoto Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 3 BL40XU Np
69 2014A1143 X-ray crystallographic study of a complex between human Alix and Sendai virus C protein facilitating virus budding. Takemasa Sakaguchi Hiroshima University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 BL38B1 Np
70 2014A1144 Catalytic mechanism of pyridoxal-enzyme and quinoenzyme based on the structural analysis Takeshi Murakawa Osaka Medical College Japan Educational Organization Life Science 12 BL38B1 Np
71 2014A1147 The fundamental study on artificially degraded materials for restoration and conservation of cultural properties by using Infrared microscopy Masanori Sato National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 6 BL43IR Np
72 2014A1148 Structural biology of bacterial supersystems involved in import and metabolism of acidic polysaccharides and their application to medical and energy areas Wataru Hashimoto Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL38B1 Np
73 2014A1149 Development of a novel technique for probing the bulk Yb3+ 4f-orbital spatial symmetry and crystal field splitting in strongly correlated Yb compounds by polarization- and polar angle-dependent Yb 3d core-level photoemission spectroscopy Akira Sekiyama Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 18 BL19LXU Np
74 2014A1150 Simultaneous high-sensitivity DSC and SAXS/WAXD measurements on intercellular lipids in human and mouse stratum corneum Haruhiko Yao Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL40B2 Np
75 2014A1151 Studies on the oxygen-evolving reaction of Photosystem II complex by structural and chemical analyses Yasufumi Umena Osaka City University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 12 BL38B1 Np
76 2014A1152 Development of broadband infrared near-field spectroscopy technique Hidekazu Okamura Kobe University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL43IR Np
77 2014A1153 Time-dependent Single Molecule Analysis for the Conformational Changes of Antibodies on the Different Affinity Maturation Status upon the Antigen Binding Masayuki Oda Kyoto Prefectural University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 9 BL40XU Np
78 2014A1154 Inelastic x-ray scattering measurements of liquid Ca Masanori Inui Hiroshima University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL35XU Np
79 2014A1156 2D FT-IR analysis for drawing polyethylene films Go Matsuba Yamagata University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 6 BL43IR Np
80 2014A1158 Origin of gigantic magneto-crystalline anisotropy in FePt thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy studied by XMCD Atsushi Fujimori Japan Atomic Energy Agency Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL39XU Np
81 2014A1159 Crystal structure analysis of the oxygenation intermediate states of the giant hemoglobin Nobutaka Numoto Tokyo Medical and Dental University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL38B1 Np
82 2014A1160 Micro-beam Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Ru Nitrides Synthesized under High Pressure Kazuo Soda Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL47XU Np
83 2014A1161 The effect of nickel alloying on elastic properties of liquid iron Hidenori Terasaki Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 12 BL20XU Np
84 2014A1162 Viscosity measurement of liquid Fe-S alloy up to 21 GPa with sintered diamond anvils Yingwei Fei Carnegie Institution of Washington USA Foreign Earth and Planetary Science 15 BL04B1 Np
85 2014A1163 Structural Basis for the Alternating Access Mechanism of Transport in an ABC Multidrug Transporter Atsushi Kodan Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 BL41XU Np
86 2014A1164 Studies on the oxygen-evolving reaction of Photosystem II complex by structural and chemical analyses Yasufumi Umena Osaka City University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 2 BL41XU Np
87 2014A1165 Designing Cell Penetration Needles by Crystal Structure Analysis Takafumi Ueno Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL38B1 Np
88 2014A1166 Structural analysis of novel amorphous materials with transparency and thermoplasticity consisting of organically modified polyoxometalates Hiromitsu Kozuka Kansai University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL04B2 Np
89 2014A1167 One dimensional ordering of magnetic ionic liquid in carbon nanotubes and the magnetic properties. Ryusuke Futamura Shinshu University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 6 BL02B2 Np
90 2014A1168 Analysis of Supersonic Fuel Sprays Using Ultrafast X-ray Imaging Technique for Development of Clean and Efficient Next-Generation Engines Seoksu Moon National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Industrial Applications 18 BL40XU Np
91 2014A1169 Structural analysis of a phospholipid transfer protein Ups1 in the intermembrane space of mitochondria. Yasunori Watanabe Kyoto Sangyo University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL38B1 Np
92 2014A1170 Electric Field Assisted Crystallization of Chalcogenide Materials for Applications in Cognitive Processing. Robert Simpson Singapore University of Technology and Design Singapore Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL37XU Np
93 2014A1171 Magnetic switching behavior for a wavefunction with a specific symmetry system in Au/Fe/MgO multilayers. Hiroshi Sakurai Gunma University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL08W Np
94 2014A1172 X-ray fluorescence holography study of ZnY-layered structure in synchronized LPSO (long period stacking ordered structure) Mg alloy Kouichi Hayashi Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL39XU Np
95 2014A1173 Spatially and temporally resolved structure in skin treated with formulation and drug components for understanding drug delivery Ben Boyd Monash University Australia Foreign Medical Applications 6 BL40XU Np
96 2014A1174 Commissioning of the high-throughput two-axis diffractometer with 3 CdTe detectors at BL04B2 Shinji Kohara Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 18 BL04B2 Np
97 2014A1175 Structural dynamics of interfacial water Masashi Nakamura Chiba University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 12 BL13XU Np
98 2014A1177 X-ray diffraction study of LPSO magnesium alloys by pinpoint structure measurement system Nobuhiro Yasuda Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL40XU Np
99 2014A1178 Effect of hydrophilicity of Si surface on the interfacial structure of semicrystalline polymers Takahiko Kawai Gunma University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL13XU Np
100 2014A1180 Kinetics of pH-induced phase transitions between lamellar liquid-crystalline and cubic phases in dioleoylphosphatidylserine/monoolein membranes Toshihiko Oka Shizuoka University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 12 BL40B2 Np