SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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General Proposals 2015B (5/5)

S/N #1-100 #101-200 #201-300 #301-400 #401-513

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; E-mail: sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal Number Proposal Title Project Leader Affiliation Country Affiliation Category Research Category Shift Beamline Proprietary(P)/
401 2015B1786 In-situ observation of grain misorientation under fatigue by diffraction contrast tomography. Yoshikazu Nakai Kobe University Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL46XU Np
402 2015B1793 Hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy study of epitaxial strain effects on spin states in LaCoO3 thin films Hiroki Wadati The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL47XU Np
403 2015B1796 Precise structural analysis of giant negative thermal expansion material Bi1-xLnxNi1-2yFeyCoyO3 Masaki Azuma Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL02B2 Np
404 2015B1799 Electronic states analysis of anion-doped oxide thin films by bulk-sensitive photoemission spectroscopy Akira Chikamatsu The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL47XU Np
405 2015B1800 Clarification of rate-determining process in sodium-ion battery by two-dimensional distribution analysis of chemical state Takeshi Kobayashi Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Chemical Science 6 BL17SU Np
406 2015B1805 Quantification of defect structures on a carbon surface using soft X-ray photoelectron emission microscopy Shiniji Nakanishi TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Japan Industry Chemical Science 6 BL17SU Np
407 2015B1814 Study on strain-induced crystallization of natural rubber alternatives for our safe and peaceful society Yuko Ikeda Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL40XU Np
408 2015B1828 Nondestructive investigation of chemical natures and quantitative analysis of strongly radioactive particles collected in Fukushima Prefecture using multiple SR-micro-X-ray analyses Izumi Nakai Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Environmental Science 18 BL37XU Np
409 2015B1861 Measurement of powder X-ray diffraction for medicine Kenji Suzuki Pharmaceutical Consortium for Protein Structure Analysis Japan Industry Industrial Applications 1.875 BL19B2 P
410 2015B1862 Analysis of Fe and C atoms property at carburizing from oxidized high purity Fe foil Soichiro Okubo Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 3 BL19B2 P
411 2015B1863 Chemical state analysis of Si and Mn in the passive film formed on the stainless steel Mitsuki Sugeoi Nippon Steel & Sumikin Stainless Steel Corporation Japan Industry Industrial Applications 1 BL46XU P
412 2015B1864 Structural analysis of carbon alloy catalysts with oxygen reduction activity Yoshikazu Kobayashi Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 3 BL19B2 P
413 2015B1865 Powder X-ray diffraction method for evaluation of polymorphism of low molecular organic compound Takahiko Hashizuka Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 1 BL19B2 P
414 2015B1866 Structure observation of porous ceramic filter Masayuki Uchida NGK INSULATORS, LTD. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 6 BL46XU P
415 2015B1867 Study of nitride semiconductor interface by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Hidemoto Tomita TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Japan Industry Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL46XU P
416 2015B1868 Study of metal compound surfaces with hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy Akiko Ito NIPPON STEEL & SUMIKIN TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 1 BL46XU P
417 2015B1869 Analysis of Lithium-ion secondary battery cathode material using in-situ XAFS Atsuki Kon JFE Techno-Research Corporation Japan Industry Industrial Applications 1 BL14B2 P
418 2015B1870 HAXPES analysis of chemical states at interfaces of micro devices. Yugo Kubo Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 11.875 BL46XU P
419 2015B1871 SAXS of inorganic and organic composite materials Takashi Matsui FUJIFILM Corporation Japan Industry Industrial Applications 2 BL19B2 P
420 2015B1872 HAXPES analysis of cathode materials in lithium ion batteries. Mitsutoshi Yokomizo Kobelco Research Institute, Inc. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 1 BL46XU P
421 2015B1873 Technical Development of Performance Evaluation Method of Lithium-ion rechargeable battery for Electric Viecle (II) Hironori Kobayashi National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Industrial Applications 2 BL19B2 P
422 2015B1875 Technical Development of Performance Evaluation Method of Lithium-ion rechargeable battery for Electric Viecle (III) Hironori Kobayashi National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Industrial Applications 2 BL14B2 P
423 2015B1876 SAXS measurement of organic materials with a synchrotron radiation Masashi Ohno Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 3 BL19B2 P
424 2015B1877 Study of evaluation method for shape and volume fraction of precipitates in Cu alloy with using SAXS Tomotaka Miyazawa Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 3 BL19B2 Np
425 2015B1879 Electronic states of novel electrochemical catalysts Ikuya Yamada Osaka Prefecture University Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL14B2 Np
426 2015B1883 Elucidation of formation mechanism of gold clusters by XAFS analysis for the application to air purification catalyst filters Tamao Ishida Tokyo Metropolitan University Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 5 BL14B2 Np
427 2015B1885 Three-dimensional internal structure analysis of the coal/coke by X-rays imaging Katsuhiro Nishihara NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION Japan Industry Industrial Applications 3 BL19B2 Np
428 2015B1889 In-situ XAFS measurements of non-PGM oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalysts for anion exchange membrane fuel cells VII Hirofumi Kishi DAIHATSU MOTOR CO., LTD. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 12 BL14B2 Np
429 2015B1891 In-situ analysis of the fabrication process of organic bulk-hetero-junction and organolead-halide perovskite thin films - III Tetsuhiko Miyadera National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Industrial Applications 8 BL46XU Np
430 2015B1894 Elucidation of absorption structure change on oil-mineral interface by adding salt for enhanced oil recovery Sumihiko Murata Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 9 BL19B2 Np
431 2015B1896 Analysis of the relationship bewtween the structure of whipped cream and its shape retention ability Keiichi Ihara MORINAGA MILK INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 2 BL19B2 Np
432 2015B1898 Measurement of stress distribution in short-fiber reinforced plastic parts with metal insert Keisuke Iwahori DENSO CORPORATION Japan Industry Industrial Applications 6 BL46XU Np
433 2015B1899 In situ residual stress analysis in resins for semiconductor packaging during curing process with 2D detector. Part 2 Midori Wakabayashi Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. Japan Industry Industrial Applications 9 BL19B2 Np
434 2015B1901 Crystal structure analysis of the oxide-ion conductors of new structure family Kotaro Fujii Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 3 BL19B2 Np
435 2015B1903 Study of GIXD measurement for 3 dimensionally oriented inorganic thin film Tomoyuki Koganezawa Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL46XU Np
436 2015B1904 Analysis of molecular ordering in polymer semiconductor thin films Itaru Osaka RIKEN Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL46XU Np
437 2015B1908 Depth analysis of the electric potential in organic field effect transistor observed bias applied hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Takeshi Watanabe Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Industrial Applications 1 BL46XU Np
438 2015B1909 Study on Application of SR Soil Database of Japan and practical application Izumi Nakai Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL19B2 Np
439 2015B1913 In situ XAFS study on vulcanization of carbon black filled rubber,2 Yuko Ikeda Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL14B2 Np
440 2015B1925 Detailed evaluations of lattice parameters in GeSn epitaxial films fabricated by MOCVD Atsushi Ogura Meiji University Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL19B2 Np
441 2015B2018 Regulation mechanism of MAP kinase Toshiji Tada Osaka Prefecture University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
442 2015B2019 Structural basis for ligand selectivity of P2X receptors Motoyuki Hattori Fudan University China Foreign Life Science 1.5 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
443 2015B2020 Structural polymorphism and function of chromatin Hitoshi Kurumizaka Waseda University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 2 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
444 2015B2021 Structural study of ion-motive force energizing ion channels Koji Yonekura RIKEN Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 4.5 PX-BL(BL32XU) Np
445 2015B2024 Structural analysis of membrane transporters Ryuichiro Ishitani The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 PX-BL(BL32XU) Np
446 2015B2025 High resolution crystal structure determination of clamp-loader RFC complex essential for DNA replication Takuji Oyama University of Yamanashi Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 PX-BL(BL26B1, BL26B2) Np
447 2015B2026 Crystallographic structures of three different chemokine receptors interacting with their respective ligands Beili Wu Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Foreign Life Science 4.5 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
448 2015B2027 Structures of two different P2Y receptors in complex with their respective ligands Qiang Zhao Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Foreign Life Science 8 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
449 2015B2029 Structural investigation of glucose transporters in lipid bilayer Nieng Yan Tsinghua University China Foreign Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL32XU) Np
450 2015B2031 Crystal Structure Analysis of Dialkyl Condensing Enzyme Ikuro Abe The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 1 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
451 2015B2033 High resolution crystallographic study of perdeuterated green fluorescent protein Kazuki Takeda Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 1.5 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
452 2015B2037 Clarification of the structural properties for the elicitation of the sweetness of proteins and the interaction to ligands by the X-ray analysis at atomic resolution Tetsuya Masuda Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 18 PX-BL(BL26B1) Np
453 2015B2038 Structural study of Archaeal ESCRT proteins. Takayuki Obita University of Toyama Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL26B1) Np
454 2015B2039 Structural basis for the alternating access mechanism of transport in a eukaryotic ABC transporter Atsushi Kodan Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 5 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
455 2015B2040 Crystallography of transcription complexes Shun-ichi Sekine RIKEN Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
456 2015B2041 The structural and functional analyses of unique enzymes involved in reduced inorganic sulfur compounds oxidation metabolism in sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Tadayoshi Kanao Okayama University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 1 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
457 2015B2043 Crystal structure analyses of innate immune proteins Umeharu Ohto The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
458 2015B2044 X-ray crystal structure of human G protein-coupled receptor and its specific antibody Hidetsugu Asada Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 1.5 PX-BL(BL32XU) Np
459 2015B2046 Crystallization techniques for high quality protein crystal growth by using the stirring and gels Mihoko Maruyama Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
460 2015B2047 Elucidation of the substrate recognition mechanism of tRNA methyltransferase involved in a human genetic disease Akira Hirata Ehime University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL26B2) Np
461 2015B2048 Structural analysis of intracellular transport and microtubule dynamics via kinesin motor proteins. Tadayuki Ogawa The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 1.5 PX-BL(BL32XU) Np
462 2015B2050 Mechanism of the translation initiation control by eukaryotic translation initiation factors Takuhiro Ito RIKEN Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 1.5 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
463 2015B2051 Inhibition mechanism of oxygen evolution of photosystem II by iodine ions Keisuke Kawakami Osaka City University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL26B1) Np
464 2015B2052 Elucidation of amylase function by X-ray analysis with freezing and non-freezing crystals. Bunzo Mikami Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 PX-BL(BL26B1) Np
465 2015B2054 Detection of a hypervalent sulfur intermediate of peroxiredoxin using multiple techniques Tsutomu Nakamura National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 1.5 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
466 2015B2055 Control of the Coordination Structure of Homogeneous Organometallic Complexes by design of interior surface of apo-Ferritin Cage Satoshi Abe Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 PX-BL(BL26B1, BL26B2) Np
467 2015B2056 Elucidation of the bioactive structure of fatty acids bound to FABP3 at room temperature Shigeru Sugiyama Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
468 2015B2057 Structural analysis of the ion metal transporters Tomohiro Nishizawa The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 PX-BL(BL32XU) Np
469 2015B2058 Structural biology of normal flora mechanism for colonization to human cells through host extracellular matrices Wataru Hashimoto Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 12 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
470 2015B2059 Structural and functional elucidation of lipid-raft protein stomatin and its specific protease Hideshi Yokoyama University of Shizuoka Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL26B1) Np
471 2015B2060 Structure of a novel scorpion venom peptide Toshiji Tada Osaka Prefecture University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
472 2015B2061 Structure determination of membrane protein complex for protein translocation and integration Tomoya Tsukazaki Nara Institute of Science and Technology Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 PX-BL(BL32XU) Np
473 2015B2063 Structural and Functional Analyses of protein-related enzymes applied for food industry Bunzo Mikami Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 PX-BL(BL26B1) Np
474 2015B2065 Catalytic mechanism of pyridoxal-enzyme and quinoenzyme based on the structural analysis Takeshi Murakawa Osaka Medical College Japan Educational Organization Life Science 21 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
475 2015B2070 Structural Properties for High Catalytic Efficiency at Low Temperature of Cold-active Enzymes Hiroki Tsuruta Kobe University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 12 PX-BL(BL26B1, BL26B2) Np
476 2015B2071 Crystallographic studies on the active metal-site of the oxygen-evolving reaction in Photosystem II by anomalous scattering Yasufumi Umena Okayama University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 13.5 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
477 2015B2072 Structural study of the plant flowering signal complex Izuru Ohki Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL26B1) Np
478 2015B2073 Structural and Functional analysis of highly active and psychrophilic mutants of Bacillus sp. TB-90 urate oxidase. Takao Hibi Fukui Prefectural University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
479 2015B2074 Elucidation of structural basis of recognition of various chemical stimuli by taste receptor Atsuko Yamashita Okayama University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 2.5 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
480 2015B2075 Structural studies of membrane proteins and glycoproteins in infectious diseases and cancers Che Ma Academia Sinica Taiwan, ROC Foreign Life Science 2 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
481 2015B2076 Structure analysis of transient complexes in [NiFe] hydrogenase maturation Kunio Miki Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 1 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
482 2015B2078 Development of a structure control technique for protein crystals using controlled humidity Takashi Kumasaka Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 22.5 PX-BL(BL26B1, BL38B1) Np
483 2015B2079 High-resolution crystal structure analysis of LH1-RC core complex from a purple photosynthetic bacterium Long-Jiang Yu Okayama University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 2 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
484 2015B2080 Crystallographic studies of aminergic receptors as druggable targets Tatsuro Shimamura Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 PX-BL(BL32XU) Np
485 2015B2082 Crystal structure analysis of the oxygen dissociation intermediates of the giant hemoglobin Nobutaka Numoto Tokyo Medical and Dental University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
486 2015B2083 Structural Analyses of Catalytic Antibodies: Studies on the Reaction Mechanism of Antibody-catalyzed Hydrolysis Reactions Takeshi Tsumuraya Osaka Prefecture University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
487 2015B2084 Structure analysis of bacterial flagellar stator proteins Katsumi Imada Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 2.5 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
488 2015B2085 Crystal structural analysis of the tight junction-related membrane proteins. Takehiro Shinoda RIKEN Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 1 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
489 2015B2086 Structural studies for the elucidation of the molecular mechanism on immunomodulatory drugs Tomoyuki Mori Nara Institute of Science and Technology Japan Educational Organization Life Science 2 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
490 2015B2092 Structural basis for ERK signaling pathway Setsu Nakae Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
491 2015B2094 Setup of high energy mode and development of new data collecton method using high intense small beam at BL41XU Kazuya Hasegawa Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 9 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
492 2015B2095 High resolution X-ray structural analysis of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase in
the resting oxidized state.
Tomitake Tsukihara University of Hyogo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
493 2015B2097 Structural study of the bacterial chemoreceptor involved in pathogenicity of Vibrio cholerae Katsumi Imada Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 1.5 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
494 2015B2098 Development of the effective crystallization of hardly crystallizable proteins introducing hydrophobic amino-acid sequence tags. Megumi Kosaka Okayama University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL26B1) Np
495 2015B2099 Structural analysis of GMPR, GMPS, and IMPDH from Trypanosoma brucei cocrystalized with substrate or inhibitor Shigenori Nishimura Osaka Prefecture University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL26B2) Np
496 2015B2100 Structural studies of ion selectivity and energy coupling mechanisms of cation, calcium exchangers Jun Liao ShanghaiTech University China Foreign Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
497 2015B2101 X-ray crystal structure determination of the CFA/III minor pilin subunit CofB in complex with CofJ from human enterotoxigenic Escherchia coli. Shota Nakamura Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 PX-BL(BL26B2) Np
498 2015B2102 Crystallography of Sec10 subunit of the exocyst complex Shuya Fukai The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 2.5 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
499 2015B2104 X-ray crystallographic study on structural dynamics of mammalian glucose transporters during the substrate transport cycle Norimichi Nomura Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 4 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
500 2015B2105 Crystallography of an autism- and schizophrenia-associated RNA/DNA topoisomerase TOP3beta Shuya Fukai The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 0.5 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
501 2015B2107 Crystallography of membrane receptor complexes for synaptic differentiation Shuya Fukai The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
502 2015B2108 Crystal structure analysis of oxygen-evolving reaction intermediates of photosystem II, and photosystem I super-complex Jian-Ren Shen Okayama University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 11 PX-BL(BL26B1, BL41XU) Np
503 2015B2111 Atomic-angstrom-resolution crystallography reveals dynamic sampling of thiamine diphosphate effecting enzymatic reaction Tsung Lin Li Academia Sinica Taiwan, ROC Foreign Life Science 1 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
504 2015B2113 Structural analysis of the receptors involved in metabolic syndrome in complex with small ligands. Yoshihumi Fujii RIKEN Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 1.5 PX-BL(BL32XU) Np
505 2015B2114 Crystal structure analysis of hemocyanin deoxy-form Yoshikazu Tanaka Hokkaido University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL26B2) Np
506 2015B2115 Development of thawing method of freezed protein crystal for high-resolution crystal structure analysis at room temperature Atsuhiro Shimada University of Hyogo Japan Educational Organization Life Science 12 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
507 2015B2116 X-ray crystallographic analyses of newly designed rhodopsins Tsutomu Kouyama Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 9 PX-BL(BL38B1) Np
508 2015B2117 Crystal structure analysis of dimeric intermediate form of pore forming toxin Yoshikazu Tanaka Hokkaido University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL26B2) Np
509 2015B2120 Structural analysis of membrane proteins involved in iron uptake system Hiroshi Sugimoto RIKEN Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 7.5 PX-BL(BL32XU) Np
510 2015B2121 Structural analysis of tyrosine sulfotransferase Yoshimitsu Kakuta Kyushu University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 8 PX-BL(BL38B1, BL41XU) Np
511 2015B2122 Molecular Mechanism of Effective NO Production/Decomposition by Denitrification Proteins Takehiko Tosha RIKEN Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 1 PX-BL(BL41XU) Np
512 2015B2123 Structural analyses on hydrazine synthesis system of anammox Daisuke Hira Sojo University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 4.5 PX-BL(BL26B1, BL38B1, BL41XU) Np
513 2015B2124 Structural study of the bacterial cellulose synthase complex TC Koji Kato Hokkaido University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 3 PX-BL(BL26B2) Np