SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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2017A, Priority Research Proposals: Social Interest Proposals

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; E-mail: sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal Number Proposal Title Project Leader Affiliation Country Affiliation Category Research Category Shift Beamline Proprietary(P)/
1 2017A1708 Morphological and systematic studies of a complete bird skeleton from the Lower Cretaceous Kitadani Formation, the Tetori Group (Katsuyama, Fukui, Japan) utilizing a high-resolution X-ray micro-CT technique Takuya Imai Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 6 BL20B2 Np
2 2017A1709 XAFS Study for Ancient Japanese Textile Dyeing Process:Elucidation Acient Dye Mordant of Asuka, Tenpyo, and Nara Period. Hikaru Takaya Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 6 BL27SU Np
3 2017A1710 Investigation of Provenances of Ancient Iron and Steel Objects from Central Anatolia Using High-Energy SR-XRF Mariya Masubuchi National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 3 BL08W Np
4 2017A1711 Investigation of Production Techniques of Ancient Iron and Steel Artifacts Using Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Computed Tomography Mariya Masubuchi National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 6 BL20XU Np
5 2017A1712 Three-dimensional structures of the Early Cambrian microfossils: Implications for early evolution of the Bilateria Tsuyoshi Komiya The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 5.875 BL20XU Np
6 2017A1715 Discrimination of single cotton fibers by trace elements utilizing synchrotron XRF Shinichi Suzuki National Police Agency Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 3 BL05XU Np
7 2017A1716 Restoration of the whole-picture of the cultivated rice in the beginning of paddy-style rice cultivation in Japan Islands by the X-ray CT measuring of the microstructure of excavated rice seed aggregate and excavated rice straw aggregate from the remains in the early Yayoi Period Tatsuya Inamura Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Other 3 BL20B2 Np
8 2017A1717 Estimation of Production Places for Porcelains Found at World Heritage Mietsu Naval Facility Site in Saga, Japan by Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Analysis Masaaki Tabata Saga University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL20XU Np
9 2017A1718 Nondestructive study of articulated crab incense caddy owned by the University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts using high energy X-ray computed tomography to clarify inner structure and manufacturing techniques. Manako Tanaka Showa Women's University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL28B2 Np
10 2017A1719 Estimation of scattered region of radioactive particulate materials emitted from FDNPP accident and investigation of event in the nuclear reactor at the accident using multiple SR-micro-X-ray analyses Izumi Nakai Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Environmental Science 18 BL37XU Np
11 2017A1720 Testing correlation between alimentary canal structure and feeding mode: towards reconstruction of feeding in extinct molluscs Takenori Sasaki The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 6 BL20B2 Np
12 2017A1721 Identification of dyestuffs used as painting materials in the 18-19th centuries Yoshiko Shimadzu National Museum of Japanese Histry Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 6 BL43IR Np
13 2017A1722 Clay analysis of green lead glaze earthenware belong to the early Heian period by SR- high energy X-ray fluorescence method Junko Furihata National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 6 BL08W Np
14 2017A1723 Study of the environmental contamination with the iron to the buried earthenware of Nara tricolored shards Junko Furihata National Institutes for Cultural Heritage Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 6 BL01B1 Np
15 2017A1724 Forelimb and cranial anatomy of the first known mammal skeleton from the age of dinosaurs in Japan Kazunori Miyata Fukui Prefectural University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 6 BL20B2 Np
16 2017A1727 Chemical characterization of Islamic glass vessels as the “Post Sasanian glass” using high-energy synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence analysis Yoshinari Abe Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Other 3 BL08W Np
17 2017A1728 Distribution and chemical environment of light-elements in teeth as a proxy of early-life dietary transitions in Jomon people Hodaka Kawahata The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Other 9 BL27SU Np
18 2017A1729 Analysis of coloring mechanisms for Karatsuyaki produced by Momoyama-era to Edo-era Fumiyoshi Kirino Tokyo University of the Arts Japan Educational Organization Industrial Applications 6 BL27SU Np
19 2017A1730 Basic study for explication of development and expantion of Ironware during early Iron age in Northern Iran by X-ray imaging Ryuji Shikaku Okayama Orient Museum Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 14.875 BL28B2 Np