SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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2019A, General Proposals (3/6)

S/N #1-100 #101-200 #201-300 #301-400 #401-500 #501-545

CONTACT: SPring-8 Users Office; E-mail: sp8jasri@spring8.or.jp

S/N Proposal Number Proposal Title Project Leader Affiliation Country Affiliation Category Research Category Shift Beamline Proprietary(P)/
201 2019A1329 X-ray anomalous dispersion measurement of lateral structure formed on spherical micelle surface Noriyuki Yoshii Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 5.875 BL27SU Np
202 2019A1331 Study on the mechanism of ciliary motility by X-ray diffraction from the comb plates of ctenophore Hiroyuki Iwamoto Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 14.75 BL40XU Np
203 2019A1332 Ex-situ sXAS and RIXS for study of cationic and anionic redox in cathode materials for Na-ion batteries Peter Bruce University of Oxford UK Foreign Chemical Science 21 BL27SU Np
204 2019A1335 Development of multi-scale X-ray phase tomography and its optimization toward practical use Masato Hoshino Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Medical Applications 12 BL20B2 Np
205 2019A1336 Measurement of phonon band dispersion for titanium oxide natural superlattice Shunta Harada Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 14.875 BL35XU Np
206 2019A1337 Investigations of environmental change using trace elements in the shell of long-lived bivalves. Yusuke Tamenori Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Earth and Planetary Science 17.875 BL27SU Np
207 2019A1338 Optimization of measurement condition for visualizing microstructures in fossils by 200keV-X-ray microtomography Masato Hoshino Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Beamline Engineering 11.875 BL28B2 Np
208 2019A1339 Single crystal elasticity of Ta under room temperature and high pressure combining techinical development for high temperature and high presuure measurement: II Akira Yoneda Okayama University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL35XU Np
209 2019A1340 Direct observation transverse vibrational mechanism in A2Mo3O12 with oxygen vacancies Erjun Liang Zhengzhou University China Foreign Chemical Science 8.375 BL04B2 Np
210 2019A1341 Infrared magneto-optical spectroscopy on pyrochlore iridates Kentaro Ueda The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 11.375 BL43IR Np
211 2019A1344 Strain engineering of the magnetic and electronic states in SrCoO3 Pu Yu Tsinghua University China Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL25SU Np
212 2019A1347 In-situ observation of powder x-ray diffraction of layered Mn compounds at the crystal growth and the precise crystal structures Kouichi Takase Nihon University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL02B2 Np
213 2019A1348 Three dimensional Dirac electrons on a diamond lattice Mitsuhiko Maesato Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 9 BL43IR Np
214 2019A1349 In-situ measurement of structural change of layered yttrium hydroxide during the reversible dehydration process and anion-exchange reaction: Investigation of the interrelationship between the interlayer distances as a reaction space and their catalytic activities Takayoshi Hara Chiba University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL02B2 Np
215 2019A1350 Precise crystal structure analysis of charge-separated type ionic crystals which show dielectric jump Tatsuhiro Kojima Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 3 BL02B1 Np
216 2019A1351 Observation of dislocations in GaN wafers and its correlation with phonon dispersion relation Osami Sakata National Institute for Materials Science Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL35XU Np
217 2019A1353 Correct determination of the equilibrium phase boundary of the post-garnet transition in the system MgSiO3-Al2O3 as a function of temperature based on the definition of chemical equilibrium Tomoo Katsura University of Bayreuth Germany Foreign Earth and Planetary Science 12 BL04B1 Np
218 2019A1354 Elucidation of Mechanism of Nanodisc Formation in Phospholipid-Cyclic Peptide Amphiphile Complex by using Small-angle X-ray Scattering Isamu Akiba The University of Kitakyushu Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL40B2 Np
219 2019A1356 Investigation of kink-band generation mechanism with using a grain-boundary imaging method to analyze kink deformation behavior in bulk Mg alloys Shigeru Kimura Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 11.875 BL28B2 Np
220 2019A1358 Analysis of lattice constants of α-Mg and 18R-LPSO phases in as-cast MgZnY two-phase alloys using a Gandolfi camera Method Shigeru Kimura Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL40XU Np
221 2019A1359 Analyses of Spatial Heterogeneities in Network Polymers by Using Diffracted X-ray Tracking Method Isamu Akiba The University of Kitakyushu Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 3 BL40XU Np
222 2019A1360 Three-dimensional nano-imaging of thick objects by soft X-ray ptychography with an ellipsoidal mirror Akihiro Suzuki Hokkaido University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL25SU Np
223 2019A1361 Rotational dynamics of methane molecule in methane hydrate under high pressure Naoki Noguchi Tokushima University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL43IR Np
224 2019A1362 Observation of complexation reaction in the internal space of high-ionic conducting crystals using Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) experiments Nobuto Yoshinari Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 1 BL01B1 Np
225 2019A1363 Polyhydrides of the Alkaline Earth Metals at high pressure Eugene Gregoryanz Chinese Academy of Sciences China Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL10XU Np
226 2019A1366 Refinement of the current cross bridge theory through the elucidation of the molecular mechanism for stretch-induced force enhancement Atsuki Fukutani Ritsumeikan University Japan Educational Organization Life Science 8.75 BL40B2 Np
227 2019A1367 The Study of Synergistic Effect in Metal Modified-Zeolites for Metathesis Reaction using Synchrotron X-ray Powder Diffraction Lin Ye Fudan University China Foreign Industrial Applications 6 BL02B2 Np
228 2019A1369 XAFS studies on the active structure and reaction mechanism over Co-Pd/SiO2 catalyst in hydrogenation of succinic acid Kazu Okumura Kogakuin University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 3 BL01B1 Np
229 2019A1370 Determination of Yb, Ce 4f - 5d Coulomb repulsion in the valence fluctuating and quantum critical material YbAlB4 and CeCoIn5 Kentaro Kuga Toyota Technological Institute Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL09XU Np
230 2019A1371 in situ X-ray PDF Analysis of Lithium Peroxide Formed in Porous Carbon Positive Electrode for Lithium Air Batteries Takuya Masuda National Institute for Materials Science Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Chemical Science 6 BL04B2 Np
231 2019A1372 Precise measurement of the reaction point using X-ray microscope for the nuclear emulsion in J-PARC E07 experiment Masahiro Yoshimoto Gifu University Japan Educational Organization Elementary Particles, Nuclear Science 5.875 BL47XU Np
232 2019A1375 Monitoring elementary step of electrochemical sodium insertion and extraction in NaCoO2 by operando spectroscopic measurement Takeshi Kobayashi Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Chemical Science 15 BL27SU Np
233 2019A1376 XAFS analysis on the palladium phosphine complex anchored on the external surface of zelites modified with amine Kazu Okumura Kogakuin University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 2.75 BL01B1 Np
234 2019A1378 Zero thermal expansion in (Hf,Ti)Fe2+x composites studied by high resolution X-ray diffraction Kun Lin University of Science & Technology Beijing China Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 11.875 BL44B2 Np
235 2019A1379 Operando-XAFS +DRIFT analysis for development of noble metal _ base metal composite catalysts for exhaust purification Katsutoshi Sato Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 8.875 BL01B1 Np
236 2019A1381 The structure determination of liquid iron alloys Saori Kawaguchi Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Earth and Planetary Science 6 BL10XU Np
237 2019A1382 Complementary studies of neutron and fluorescence X-ray holography: roles of local structures for valence changes in Sm Doped RB6 (R: La, Yb) Kenji Ohoyama Ibaraki University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL13XU Np
238 2019A1383 Ultrafast domain switching and lattice dynamics of YO1.5 doped HfO2 films using the time resolved X-ray diffraction Osami Sakata National Institute for Materials Science Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 17.875 BL13XU Np
239 2019A1384 Mechanism of oxygen release from oxide-based cathode materials Takashi Nakamura Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 6 BL27SU Np
240 2019A1386 Observation of all elements in the water splitting catalysts by the combination of various operando XAFS techniques Masaaki Yoshida Yamaguchi University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 8.875 BL01B1 Np
241 2019A1388 Dynamic phase contrast X-ray CT for evaluation of local deformability of arterial vascular wall subjected to pulsatile loading Takeshi Matsumoto Tokushima University Japan Educational Organization Medical Applications 3 BL20B2 Np
242 2019A1389 Nitrogen cycle on Mars revealed by speciation and isotope analyses Ryoichi Nakada Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Earth and Planetary Science 15 BL27SU Np
243 2019A1390 XAFS analysis for high stability and high catalytic activity of inorganic-Metal nano alloys Takato Mitsudome Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 9 BL01B1 Np
244 2019A1392 Precise structural analysis of quasi-crystaline cylidrical microphase-separated structures formed by ABAC tetrablock copolymers. Atsushi Takano Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 6 BL40B2 Np
245 2019A1393 In-situ measurement of phase equilibrium between solid and liquid phases in CrMnFeCoNi high entropy alloys Hideyuki Yasuda Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6.875 BL20B2 Np
246 2019A1394 Proton conductivity of Cu-modified covalent organic frameworks thin films Kazuhide Kamiya Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 5.875 BL01B1 Np
247 2019A1396 Dynamical observation of composite materials under laser ablation using 100 ms time-resolved X-ray phase tomography Yanlin Wu Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL28B2 Np
248 2019A1398 Is it really a single atomic catalyst? (2) Hiroyuki Asakura Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 5.875 BL01B1 Np
249 2019A1399 Temperature dependence of J multiplets in trivalent Eu compound EuPd3 investigated by high-resolution x-ray absorption and resonant x-ray emission spectroscopies Kojiro Mimura Osaka Prefecture University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 15 BL39XU Np
250 2019A1400 In-situ observation / measurement of 3D structure and grain orientation during semisolid deformation of Al alloys Hideyuki Yasuda Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL20XU Np
251 2019A1402 Study of unique dynamic behaviors of various π-conjugated molecular crystals triggered by the outer stimuli Yumi Yakiyama Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 6 BL02B1 Np
252 2019A1403 Time Resolved Analysis of the Phase Transitions between Rod-like and Discotic Liquid Crystalline Phases by heating and UV light irradaition Kingo Uchida Ryukoku University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL40B2 Np
253 2019A1404 Imaging of orbital magnetic moment and spin in artificial magnets induced by heterojunction between ferromagnetic and ferroelectric materials Akinobu Yamaguchi University of Hyogo Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL17SU Np
254 2019A1405 Mechanism of water formation reaction on Pd metal and oxide nanoparticles under high humidity Daiju Matsumura Japan Atomic Energy Agency Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Chemical Science 18.875 BL28B2 Np
255 2019A1407 Observation of vulcanization adhesion between rubber and metal by energy dispersive-XAFS Maiko Nishibori Kyushu University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 18 BL28B2 Np
256 2019A1410 In-situ probing hydrogen-oxygen phase diagram under high pressure and high temperature Wenge Yang Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research China Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL10XU Np
257 2019A1412 Temperature- and pressure-induced valence transitions in a magnetic Dirac material EuMnBi2 Resta Susilo Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research China Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 8.875 BL39XU Np
258 2019A1416 Halogen bonding in S2Br2: from a molecular liquid to a zero-dimensional glass Takeshi Usuki Yamagata University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL04B2 Np
259 2019A1419 Single crystal X-ray structure analyses of pressure-induced dual-emissive tetranuclear iodo-copper(I) complexes. Yoshiki Ozawa University of Hyogo Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 5.875 BL02B1 Np
260 2019A1420 Infrared study of bismuth at high magnetic fields Hidekazu Okamura Tokushima University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL43IR Np
261 2019A1424 Analysis of local structural change of rare earth ions accompanying temperature change inducing unique crystallization of glass with reversed density Kenji Shinozaki National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL01B1 Np
262 2019A1425 Synchrotron X-ray micro-CT imaging of the Early Cambrian microfossils: Taxonomy of non-skeletal organisms and identification of their original organisms Tsuyoshi Komiya The University of Tokyo Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 6 BL47XU Np
263 2019A1427 Oxidation state of the mantle through high-pressure experiments and inclusions in diamonds Ekaterina Kiseeva University College Cork Ireland Foreign Earth and Planetary Science 9.875 BL10XU Np
264 2019A1428 Talbot phase contrast X-ray micro-tomography for mouse whole brain imaging with immunostaining Haruo Mizutani RIKEN Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 5 BL20B2 Np
265 2019A1430 Application of X-ray expand refractive lens system to large volume high pressure cells Yuji Higo Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Earth and Planetary Science 3 BL10XU Np
266 2019A1433 Hard X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy of Bulk Single-Crystalline IGZO (2) Mario Okawa Tokyo University of Science Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL47XU Np
267 2019A1434 in-situ observation of rapid melting and rapid solidification of metallic materials by using selective laser irradiation Kohei Morishita Kyushu University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL20XU Np
268 2019A1436 In-situ DXAFS analysis on the behavior in supported platinum nanoparticles under reductive and oxidative conditions Tsunehiro Tanaka Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 11.875 BL28B2 Np
269 2019A1439 Relaxation mechanisms of elastic polymer strands in model PDMS elastomers, investigated with Wide Angle X-ray Scattering Mads Laursen Technical University of Denmark Denmark Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL04B2 Np
270 2019A1440 Comparative study of the formation and crystallization of the absorber layer of Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cells. Jens Andreasen Technical University of Denmark Denmark Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL20XU Np
271 2019A1444 Time division PDF analysis to observe dynamic structure change of dicalcium silicate precipitated from molten steelmaking slag Masanori Suzuki Osaka University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 8.375 BL08W Np
272 2019A1447 Observation of the surface species on Ni-Pt alloy containing isolated Pt species under CO2 hydrogenation using in-situ XAFS-DRIFT IR observation system. Kentaro Teramura Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 8.875 BL01B1 Np
273 2019A1448 Development of X-ray diffraction intensity correlation and diffraction spot tracking analysis using metal nano probe for quantification of protein fluctuation Hiroshi Sekiguchi Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Life Science 7 BL40XU Np
274 2019A1449 High Pressure and Temperature IXS study on the sound velocity of the core and core-mantle boundary materials Eiji Ohtani Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 18 BL35XU Np
275 2019A1452 Wide and Small Angle X-ray Scattering for Characterizing Hierarchical Structure of Seria Nano-particle Dispersion Kazue Kurihara Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 17.875 BL40B2 Np
276 2019A1455 Comprehensive investigation on new IR spectrum properties of photovoltaic perovskites under pressure Gang Liu Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research China Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 14.875 BL43IR Np
277 2019A1456 Structural evaluations of PH3 and SiH4 at high pressures and low temperatures Lin Wang Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research China Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL10XU Np
278 2019A1457 Local Structural Variation at the Magnetic Transition in Multiferroic Material Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 investigated by X-ray Fluorescence Holography Koji Kimura Nagoya Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 11.875 BL13XU Np
279 2019A1458 Inelastic X-ray Scattering Study of Ti Doped Fe2VAl Heusler-Type Thermoelectric Materials : Observation of the Oscillation Mode of Light-Weight Dopant Koji Kimura Nagoya Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 17.25 BL35XU Np
280 2019A1459 Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of the sodium battery cathode system P2-NaxCo1-yMny2/3Niy1/3O2 Laurent Duda Uppsala University Sweden Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 14.5 BL27SU Np
281 2019A1460 Fermi surface of Cu-intercalated Bi2Se3 Stephen Dugdale University of Bristol UK Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 21 BL08W Np
282 2019A1463 Structure refinements of GeSbTe bulk materials with high thermoelectric performance at room temperature Atsuko Kosuga Osaka Prefecture University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL02B2 Np
283 2019A1466 Experimental evaluation of potential distribution in the electrolyte near SOFC air electrode by using operand high temperature electrochemical nano XAS Koji Amezawa Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 18 BL37XU Np
284 2019A1467 Operando 3-dimensional observation of reaction distribution formation in composite positive electrode for bulk-type all-solid-state lithium ion secondary batteries by using CT-XAFS Koji Amezawa Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 12 BL37XU Np
285 2019A1468 Investigation on mechanisms of air-electrode reaction in solid oxide fuel cells by using operando high-temperature electrochemical X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements under AC bias Koji Amezawa Tohoku University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 5.875 BL37XU Np
286 2019A1469 Precise Structure Analysis of Heusler Type Fe2VAl alloys with Grain Refinement Processing studied by High Resolution X-ray Diffraction Hidetoshi Miyazaki Nagoya Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL02B2 Np
287 2019A1470 Methodological development on sourcing igneous rock artifacts Mitinori Ooya Saitama Cultural Deposits Research Corporation Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Other 2.875 BL02B2 Np
288 2019A1472 Crystallization Procedure in vapor-deposited stable glass Soichi Tatsumi Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL40B2 Np
289 2019A1473 Sound velocity and density measurements of Martian mantle mineralogical compositions at high pressure and high temperature Daniele Antonangeli Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique France Foreign Earth and Planetary Science 12 BL04B1 Np
290 2019A1475 Synthesis of π-Electronic Ions That Form Ion-Pairing Assemblies Hiromitsu Maeda Ritsumeikan University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL40XU Np
291 2019A1476 Structure-activity relationship for electrochemical catalysts with double perovskite structure Ikuya Yamada Osaka Prefecture University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 3 BL02B2 Np
292 2019A1477 Pressure Dependent XAS on the Mixed Valence compound NaCr2O4 Nami Matsubara KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 12 BL39XU Np
293 2019A1478 Crystal structure analysis of hydrogen-bonded ferroelectrics under electric field Shinobu Aoyagi Nagoya City University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL02B1 Np
294 2019A1487 Kinetics of back-transformation of bridgmanite and majorite Tomoaki Kubo Kyushu University Japan Educational Organization Earth and Planetary Science 17.875 BL04B1 Np
295 2019A1488 Crystal structure analysis of small crystals of μ-nitrido-bridged iron phthalocyanine derivatives. Yasuyuki Yamada Nagoya University Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 6 BL02B1 Np
296 2019A1489 Micron-sized single crystal X-ray structure analysis of metal complexes involving pai-extended catecholato ligands and investigation of their electronic states toward organic field-effect transistor materials Keishiro Tahara University of Hyogo Japan Educational Organization Chemical Science 3 BL02B1 Np
297 2019A1490 Benchmark measurement of macrosegregation and casting defects in Al-Cu alloys by high-energy CT Hideyuki Yasuda Kyoto University Japan Educational Organization Materials Science and Engineering 8.875 BL20B2 Np
298 2019A1491 Spatial mapping of the binding energies of Ca, P and Mg on exposed surfaces of pig root dentine: a HAXPES study Paul Zaslansky Charite - Universitatsmedizin Berlin Germany Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 9 BL47XU Np
299 2019A1492 Analysis of magnetic property for the inserted layer in half-metallic Heusler
compounds-based giant magnetoresistive devices
Yuya Sakuraba National Institute for Materials Science Japan National and Nonprofit Organization Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL25SU Np
300 2019A1496 Investigating structure evolution and chemical bonding natures of cation-disordered lithium-rich cathodes with MEM/Rietveld method. Zhigang Zhang Chinese Academy of Sciences China Foreign Materials Science and Engineering 6 BL02B2 Np