Reference Room
The Reference Room is located adjacent to the A2 door of the Storage Ring building and available to users around the clock. Only in the Reference Room, Staff or users can search or look through books and scientific journals.
The Reference Room also offers database services by which you can search the JCPDS data (database for X-ray powder diffraction files) through the computer in the Reference Room.
Eligible Patrons
- RIKEN staff
- JASRI staff
- SPring-8 users
- SACLA users
- Contract Beamline staff
Reference Room Location
The Reference Room is located adjacent to the A2 Door of the Storage Ring building.
Reference Room Hours
The Reference Room and open stacks are open around the clock.
(Closed during the new year holidays: December 29 - January 3)
Last modified
2019-11-27 14:57