大型放射光施設 SPring-8


SPring-8 Seminar (第296回)

主題/内容 Soft X-rays at PETRA: the high flux high resolution beamline P04 of DESY
開催期間 2020年02月07日 (金) 10時00分から12時00分まで
開催場所 上坪記念講堂
主催 (公財)高輝度光科学研究センター(JASRI)
形式 レクチャー(講演)

Speaker: Dr. Moritz Hoesch

Language: English

Affiliation: DESY PETRA III

Title: Soft X-rays at PETRA: the high flux high resolution beamline P04 of DESY

Beamline P04 is a soft x-ray beamline covering hv = 250 ~ 3000 eV at the 6 GeV storage ring PETRA III of DESY. The 5 meters long Apple-II photon source is equipped with two branches with high resolution variable line spacing monochromators and a set of precise focusing mirrors with pre-shaped elliptical surfaces in Kirkpatrick-Baez configurations. With its powerful source of variable polarisation the beamline allows for a large range of experiments, from flux hungry gas phase dissociation and excitation experiment through high resolution spectroscopy to soft x-ray microscopy including holographic imaging of magnetic domains.
In this seminar we describe the beamline configuration and highlight some of its properties and diagnostics results using the instrument “cookie box”. A discussion of experimental techniques is provided with a focus on solid state spectroscopy and microscopy. The application of the timing mode of PETRA III to time-of-flight electron spectroscopy as well as the recently developed methods of spatially resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering and photoemission spectroscopy will be discussed.
As an outlook the PETRA IV project will be briefly introduced and we will highlight the prospect of performing soft x-ray experiments at the new source.

担当者: JASRI 分光・イメージング推進室 木下豊彦
e-mail:toyohikoatspring8.or.jp/PHS: 3129

問い合わせ先 JASRI研究支援部 研究調整課SPring-8セミナー事務局  三好忍/糀畑美奈子
最終変更日 2020-01-31 12:10