SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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BL25SU Two-dimensional Display-type Angle-resolved Photoelectron Analyzer (2D-PES)

Inquiry number


  A display-type spherical mirror analyzer is employed at this station to study atomic- and spin- arrangements, electronic structure on surfaces. A schematic view of the analyzer is shown in the following image. An advantage of this analyzer is that the emitted photoelectrons from sample (S) converge to a focal point (A) keeping their emission angles. The electrons through an apature is projected on the screen. Hence we can measure angle-resolved intensity distribution of the photoelectrons at a given kinetic energy. The acceptance solid angle is ± 60°. The energy resolution of this analyzer is 0.2% of pass energies. Photoemission diffraction patterns measured using left and right circularly polarized lights provide stereo-photographs of atomic arrangements. In addition, the photoelectron (Auger electron) diffraction pattern can be regarded as a hologram. It is possible to reconstruct the three-dimensional atomic structure from the hologram.

Energy range 200 ~ 1000 eV
Energy resolution 0.25 eV
Acceptance angle ± 60 deg
Angular resolution 0.6 deg
Spot size 0.4 mm

A schematic view of display-type spherical mirror analyzer

  • Typical data of stereograph of atomic arrangement. (Tungsten crystal)

    Stereo-photographs of atomic structure in tungsten crystal


  1. H. Daimon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2034 (2001).
Last modified 2006-02-09 09:32