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Chemical Synthesis of New Ball-Like Three-Dimensional Carbon Nanomolecules (Press Release)

Release Date
29 Oct, 2013
  • BL02B1 (Single Crystal Structure Analysis)

Kyoto University
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)

A research team led by Professor Shigeru Yamago of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, succeeded in the chemical synthesis of new carbon nanostructures that have a ball-like structure of three-dimensionally connected benzene rings.

Carbon nanomolecules with a three-dimensional structure, such as fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, are the source of various functions that will be applied in the field of organic electronics including electronic and photoelectric materials. However, the variety of available molecular structures has been highly limited because these molecules are obtained by physical methods such as arc discharge.

By a unique synthesis method, the research group succeeded in the synthesis of new three-dimensional carbon nanomolecules that are difficult to obtain by conventional methods. Concretely, these nanomolecules were synthesized by forming a platinum complex with an octahedral structure using six platinum atoms and four tri-substituted benzene units through a “self-assembly”-like process and then eliminating the platinum atoms from the complex. The results of the measurements of the basic properties showed that these nanomolecules can be applied to charge-transfer materials that are used in organic electroluminescence (EL) elements and organic semiconductors. Also, the molecular structure of these nanomolecules was determined using the Crystal Structure Analysis Beamline (BL02B1) at SPring-8*1.

Since there have been many reports on the synthesis of three-dimensional structures other than carbon nanomolecules by the self-assembly of metals and ligands, the application of this method will enable the synthesis of various new three-dimensional carbon nanomolecules. Also, the achievements of this research will significantly contribute to the creative research of new carbon nanostructures as well as the development of organic nanoelectronics materials.

This research was carried out as part of the research area “Development of High-Performance Nanostructures for Process Integration” of the Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) project supported by JST. The achievements were published online in the British scientific journal Nature Communications, an offshoot of the international scientific journal Nature, on 29 October 2013.


Fig. 1	Synthesis of cycloparaphenylene (CPP) using square tetranuclear platinum complex
Fig. 1 Synthesis of cycloparaphenylene (CPP) using
square tetranuclear platinum complex

Fig. 2	Synthesis of new three-dimensional carbon nanomolecules with ball-like structure
Fig. 2 Synthesis of new three-dimensional
carbon nanomolecules with ball-like structure

Fig. 3	Structure of ball-like three-dimensional carbon nanomolecules determined by X-ray crystallography
Fig. 3 Structure of ball-like three-dimensional carbon
nanomolecules determined by X-ray crystallography

*1 SPring-8

A large synchrotron radiation facility that generates the highest-quality synchrotron radiation, located in Hyogo prefecture, Japan. Owned by Riken, and operated by JASRI. The nickname SPring-8 is short for Super Photon ring-8 GeV.
Synchrotron radiation refers to the strong and highly oriented electron magnetic waves generated when the orbit of electrons, accelerated to a near-light speed, is bent by magnetic field. Applications of the synchrotron radiation produced by SPring-8 includes nanotechnology, biotechnology and industrial use.

For more information, please contact:
  Prof. Shigeru Yamago (Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University)
    E-mail : mail1

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