Inquiry number
BL02B1 is a station to carry out high-energy X-ray diffraction experiments on single crystals and is equipped with a semiconductor detector and a 4-axis (ψ, υ, φ, 2θ) diffractometer. The beamline uses X-rays from the bending magnet source incident onto a double-crystal monochromator, which by design enables achieving high throughput and monochromatic X-rays in the range of 8-115 keV. X-rays with energy in the range of 20-60 keV are being used for single crystal structure analysis while a standard energy of 30 keV is used in most experiments. Recently, the beamline has been upgraded with an emphasis on precise structural analysis of functional materials.
The beamline is focused on crystal structure determination of both organic and inorganic functional materials. A two-dimensional semiconductor detector is used for rapid data collection with high statistical accuracy so that precise crystal structure analysis can be performed at the electron density level. The use of high-energy X-rays makes it possible to determine the structure of inorganic materials, even those containing heavy atoms, with almost negligible absorption effects.
- Scientific field
Crystal structure analysis, High-energy X-ray diffraction, Charge density level analysis - Equipment
4-axis diffractometer, Low-temperature N2 and He gas flow equipment (20-400 K), High-temperature N2 gas flow equipment (300-800 K) - Various attachments
Gas adsorption equipment for in-situ observation, UV irradiation equipment
A double-crystal monochromator and a platinum-coated total reflection mirror are installed downstream of the monochromator in the optics hutch of BL02B1. Monochromatic synchrotron X-rays are obtained using a double-crystal monochromator (energy resolution: ΔE/E=10-4). The second crystal of the double-crystal monochromator can be sagittally bent for horizontal focusing. The downstream mirror can focus X-rays vertically by adjusting the amount of bend. This total reflection mirror is used not only for collimation and vertical focusing of X-rays but also for removal of higher-order harmonics (used at energies lower than 30 keV). The minimum beam size at the sample position is about 0.2 mm (FWHM) vertical height and 0.2 mm (FWHM) horizontal width. Currently, the maximum photon flux is about 1010 photons/sec at the sample position.
- X-rays at Sample
Energy range 8 - 115 keV Energy resolution ΔE/E = 10-4 Photon flux <1010 photons/s Minimum beam size 0.2(H) × 0.2(V) mm2(FWHM)
A two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor detector and a 4-axis diffractometer are installed in the experimental hutch.
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SPring-8 / JASRI
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198
Phone : +81-(0)791-58-0833
Fax : +81-(0)791-58-0830
e-mail : ynakamura
SPring-8 / JASRI
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198
Phone : +81-(0)791-58-0833
Fax : +81-(0)791-58-0830
e-mail : kichiyanagi
Sumit Maity
SPring-8 / JASRI
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198
Phone : +81-(0)791-58-0833
Fax : +81-(0)791-58-0830
e-mail : sumit050491
Toshiyuki SASAKI
SPring-8 / JASRI
1-1-1 Kouto, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo 679-5198
Phone : +81-(0)791-58-0833
Fax : +81-(0)791-58-0830
e-mail : toshiyuki.sasaki