大型放射光施設 SPring-8


SPring-8 セミナー(第107回)

副題/演題 Excess coincidences of photons
開催期間 2003年11月11日
開催場所 SPring-8 理研構造生物学棟 大セミナー室
主催 (財)高輝度光科学研究センター
形式 レクチャー(講演)
分野 物質科学

日   時 : 2003年11月11日 13:30-14:20

講演者 : Errki Ikonen 教授
所   属 : Helsinki University of Technology

  A simple model to analyze excess coincidences of photons can be presented using the rapidly fluctuating interference pattern of two incoherent plane waves and their randomly varying phase difference. The excess coincidences appear as a non-vanishing term in the product of the interference patterns when averaged over the random phase difference. Early experiments of this intensity correlation were performed with visible light from distant stars, where it could be applied to measurement of the angular diameters. A more recent development is related to coincidences of signal and idler photons in spontaneous parametric down conversion of laser light. These experiments have the special feature that they can demonstrate the non-classical character of the radiation field, requiring quantum field theory to explain the results of the experiments.
  With visible light it is relatively straightforward to produce conditions where excess coincidences can be observed. All this becomes much more difficult at shorter wavelengths. Thus it is only recently that the intensity correlation effects were observed with hard x rays. The talk is concluded with a brief summary of the results obtained at SPring-8.

問い合わせ先 矢橋 牧名 (PHS 3811) (財)高輝度光科学研究センター

最終変更日 2006-04-08 16:58