SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility

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Subtitle/Subject International workshop on x-ray scattering and electronic structures
Period from Jun 05 to 07 , 2006
Venue Lecture Hall in Public Relations Center
Host/Organizer Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Co-host/Cooperator JASRI
SPring-8 Users Society
Ibaraki University
Format Conference
Fields Materials Science

X-ray scattering has recently become a powerful tool in modern solid state physics to investigate orbital, magnetic and charge orders and associated electronic excitations in strongly correlated electron systems. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the up-to-dated topics through a strong interaction between theorists and experimentalists brought together. Topics will be around the elastic resonant x-ray scattering on actinoid compounds and transition-metal compounds including noncentrosymmetrical crystals, the Compton scattering, and the inelastic x-ray scattering on cuprates and transition-metal compounds.
Workshop Program (pdf)

Please contact to the workshop secretariat; srrc-office@spring8.or.jp

Contact Address Workshop Secretariat JAEA
+81- 791-58-0308
+81- 791-58-0311
Last modified 2012-11-15 13:14