大型放射光施設 SPring-8


SPring-8 Seminar (第163回)

主題/内容 In-situ x-ray diffraction studies of electrochemical interfaces: A new portable UHV chamber
開催期間 2007年02月28日 (水)
開催場所 萌光館
主催 財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター(JASRI)
形式 レクチャー(講演)
分野 物質科学



講師:Dr. Frank Renner

所属:産業技術総合研究所 関西センター

講演タイトル:In-situ x-ray diffraction studies of electrochemical interfaces: A new portable UHV chamber

講演要旨:The crystalline structure of matter has been revealed using X-ray diffraction and X-rays are used for materials science ever since. Modern synchrotron radiation sources provide extremely intensive X-ray beams and probing of surfaces and interfaces became possible. The relatively weak absorption of X-ray photons makes them highly suitable for revealing atomic-scale structural information of buried interfaces, in-situ and non-destructively. I will present recent progress of studies of electrochemical solid-electrolyte interfaces. With a Cu-Au single-crystalline model system we recently addressed the potential region close to the so-called critical potential, where passivation breaks down and the formation of thick
nanoporous layers sets in. The epitaxial orientation of the produced overlayers was observed to change in this potential regime. Furthermore, I will report a new portable and UHV-compatible X-ray diffraction chamber and first results of initial dealloying of a Cu-Pd crystal and on Cu electro-deposition on UHV-prepared GaAs(001). The new UHV-compatible in-situ chamber is opening the way for using more reactive systems in electrochemical surface-science-type diffraction studies.

担当者:水木(PHS 3902)

 JASRI 研究調整部 研究業務課
 垣口 伸二、笠原 尚美
  TEL 0791-58-0839 FAX 0791-58-0988

問い合わせ先 財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター 研究調整部 研究業務課 SPring-8セミナー事務局 垣口 伸二、笠原 尚美
最終変更日 2019-11-22 09:10