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SPring-8 Budding Researchers Support Workshop and Budding Researchers Award

SPring-8 Budding Researchers Support Workshop and Budding Researchers Award

The SPring-8 Budding Researchers Support Workshops were annually held to give opportunities for those who did the proposals to present their achievements led by the SPring-8 Budding Researchers Support Proposal. The workshops also served as the selection for the Budding Researchers Awards.

Criteria for Awards
 - Novelty, originality and expansivity of research theme
 - Necessity and effectivity of SPring-8 in research outcome
 - Initiative for research

Selection Method
  Preliminary selection: screening of submitted documents for the awards to select five or six candidates by the awards committee
  Final selection: oral presentation and dissertation at SPring-8 Budding Researchers Support Workshop



The 8th Budding Researchers Award
Date: November 9, 2015
Venue: Campus Innovation Center Tokyo



Shunsuke Sakuragi

Affiliation: Keio University, Graduate School of Science and Technology Spontaneous distortion and ferromagnetism induced by quantum-well states in Pd(100) ultrathin films


Shu Tsukui

Affiliation: Kyoto-University, Graduate School of Agriculture

The 7th Budding Researchers Award
Date: October 28, 2014
Venue: Campus Innovation Center Tokyo



Ryuichi Nomura

Affiliation: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Earth-Life Science Institute
Low Core-Mantle Boundary Temperature Inferred from the Solidus of Pyrolite

The 6th Budding Researchers Award
Date: December 6, 2013
Venue: Campus Innovation Center Tokyo



Yoshitaka Ehara

Affiliation: Tokyo Institute of Technology,Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science andEngineering

Nano-second order switching of nanodomains inEpitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3Films for NEMS applications


Yoshimura Toshihiro

Affiliation: The University of Tokyo, Graduate Schoolof Frontier Sciences

Determination of micrometer-scale distribution andchemical environment of trace elements in biogenicskeletons by soft X-ray µ-XAFS: towards high-accuracy environmental reconstruction

The 5th Budding Researchers Award
Date: November 27, 2012
Venue: Campus Innovation Center Tokyo


Akihiko Ikeda

Akihiko Ikeda

Affiliation: The University of Tokyo, Graduate School ofEngineering

Kosuke Matsui

Hirosuke Matsui

Affiliation: Nara Institute of Science and Technology,Graduate School of Materials Science

Correlation of atomic / electronic structure andcatalytic property of Ni2P and related alloy surfaces

The 4th Budding Researchers Award
Date: October 12, 2011
Venue: Campus Innovation Center Tokyo


Yoko Shimamoto

Yoko Shimamoto

Affiliation: Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science

An analysis of iodine transformation in deep underground based on the speciation of iodine using microbeam XRF-XAFS

Shintaro Yasui

Shintaro Yasui

Affiliation: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Direct Observation of Piezoelectricity in Novel Lead-free Piezoelectric Thin Films

The 3rd Budding Researchers Award
Date: October 1, 2010
Venue: Campus Innovation Center Tokyo


Che-Hsiu Shih

Che-Hsiu Shih

Affiliation: The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

Study of photo-induced commensurate modulated structure in Fe(II) spin crossover system: t-[Fe(abpt)2(NCS)2] polymorph C

Teruhiko Kashiwabara

Teruhiko Kashiwabara

Affiliation: Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science

A Study on the Distribution and Isotopic Fractionation Mechanisms of Molybdenum and Tungsten between Seawater and Ferromanganese Oxides based on the Molecular Structure

The 2nd Budding Researchers Award
Date: September 1, 2009
Venue: Campus Innovation Center Tokyo


Manabu Hoshino

Manabu Hoshino

Affiliation: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Direct Observation of Photoexcited-Molecular Structure of [AuCl(PPh3)2] Controlled Emission Color by Making Its Polymorphic Crystal

Takashi Fujimori

Takashi Fujimori

Affiliation: Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering

Interaction of Metal in Fly Ash during Dioxins Formation

The 1st Budding Researchers Award
Date: October 29, 2008
National museum of emerging science and innovation


Seiji Yamazoe

Seiji Yamazoe

Affiliation: Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering

XAFS Study of Tungsten L1−, L3−Edges: Structural Analysis of WO3 Species Loaded on TiO2

Ayumi Ishii

Ayumi Ishii

Affiliation: Aoyama Gakuin University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Development of the novel emission material of Lanthanide (III) using the LB film technique