S/N |
Proposal number |
Last Name |
First Name |
Title of Experiment |
Affiliation |
Country |
Beamline |
Shifts |
51 |
1998A0080-NM -np |
Yamaoka |
Hitoshi |
Characterization of a 100-150 keV monochromator at BL08W |
Japan |
BL08W |
39 |
52 |
1998A0081-CD -np |
Utsumi |
Wataru |
In situ observation of graphite to diamond transition using catalysts |
Japan |
BL04B1 |
12 |
53 |
1998A0082-ND -np |
Morimoto |
Shotaro |
Powder Structure Analysis of Charge Disproportionate Perovskite Iron Oxide |
Osaka Univ. |
Japan |
BL02B1 |
6 |
54 |
1998A0083-ND -np |
Morimoto |
Shotaro |
Single Crystal Structure Analysis of Charge Disproportionate Perovskite Iron Oxide |
Osaka Univ. |
Japan |
BL02B1 |
9 |
55 |
1998A0084-CD -np |
Morimoto |
Shotaro |
Structure Change of Charge Disproportionate Perovskite Iron Oxide under High Pressure |
Osaka Univ. |
Japan |
BL10XU |
6 |
56 |
1998A0085-CX -np |
Nishihata |
Yasuo |
General evaluation of XAFS beamline I - XAFS in the high energy region |
Japan |
BL01B1 |
12 |
57 |
1998A0086-ND -np |
Takahashi |
Masamitu |
Structure Analysis of Semiconductor Electrode surfaces by X-ray Standing Wabe Method |
Japan |
BL09XU |
12 |
58 |
1998A0087-ND -np |
Kawamura |
Haruki |
Structural Study on One Dimensional Compound Nbl4 at MI-Transition |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL10XU |
9 |
59 |
1998A0088-CD -np |
Kawamura |
Haruki |
Structural Phase Trasition of Molecular Solid under High Pressure |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL10XU |
12 |
60 |
1998A0089-CL -np |
Yagi |
Naoto |
Test of small-angle beamline for X-ray diffraction experiments on skeltal muscle |
Japan |
BL45XU |
18 |
61 |
1998A0090-CD -np |
Kitamura |
Naoyuki |
Strucuture analysis of SiO2 around glass transition temperature under high pressures |
Osaka National Res. Inst. |
Japan |
BL04B1 |
3 |
62 |
1998A0092-NS -np |
Mizumaki |
Masaichiro |
The Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Laves phase compounds in hard X-ray region |
Japan |
BL39XU |
9 |
63 |
1998A0094-NS -np |
Yamaoka |
Hitoshi |
Experimental study of photoabsorption processes of Xenon and Oxygen ions |
Japan |
BL23SU |
6 |
64 |
1998A0096-NL -np |
Fukuyama |
Keiichi |
X-ray crystallographic studies on DNA repair enzymes |
Osaka Univ. |
Japan |
BL41XU |
6 |
65 |
1998A0097-CD -np |
Ozawa |
Yoshiki |
Development of Electronic Excited State Crystallography by Modulation Method with IP |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL02B1 |
12 |
66 |
1998A0098-NL -np |
Tsukihara |
Tomitake |
X-ray crystallographic analysis of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase at high resolution |
Osaka Univ. |
Japan |
BL41XU |
18 |
67 |
1998A0101-ND -np |
Hirosawa |
Satoshi |
In-situ analysis of crystallization behavior of amorphous Nd-Fe-B lloys under ultra-high pressure by X-ray diffraction |
Sumitomo Special Metals, Ltd. |
Japan |
BL04B1 |
3 |
68 |
1998A0102-CL -np |
Inoko |
Yoji |
X-ray Solution Scattering of Biological Supramolecules on an Undulator Radiation Source |
Osaka Univ. |
Japan |
BL45XU |
9 |
69 |
1998A0103-CS -np |
Nasu |
Saburo |
Nuclear-Resonance Scattering of Ferromagnetic Amorphous Alloy |
Osaka Univ. |
Japan |
BL09XU |
12 |
70 |
1998A0106-NL -np |
Morikawa |
Kosuke |
Crystallographic Study of G-CSF Receptor Complexed with G-CSF |
Seibutubunnshikougakukennkyuusyo |
Japan |
BL41XU |
6 |
71 |
1998A0107-NL -np |
Okada |
Tetsuji |
Crystal Structure Analyses of Bovine Rhodopsin |
Nagoya Univ. |
Japan |
BL41XU |
1 |
72 |
1998A0108-CD -np |
Tuji |
Kazuhiko |
Structure of Liquid Te at High Temperatures |
Keio Univ. |
Japan |
BL04B1 |
12 |
73 |
1998A0109-CD -np |
Tuji |
Kazuhiko |
Structure of Liquid chalcogen under pressure |
Keio Univ. |
Japan |
BL04B1 |
12 |
74 |
1998A0110-CD -np |
Tuji |
Kazuhiko |
Amorphization from the quenched high pressure phase in III-V compounds |
Keio Univ. |
Japan |
BL10XU |
12 |
75 |
1998A0111-CX -np |
Katayama |
Yoshinori |
XAFS Study on Liquid Te and I under High Temperature and High Pressure |
Japan |
BL01B1 |
6 |
76 |
1998A0112-NOM -np |
Katayama |
Yoshinori |
Density of Liquid Se under High Temperature and High Pressure |
Japan |
BL10XU |
21 |
77 |
1998A0113-NM -np |
Suzuki |
Masayo |
The Behaviour of Ionization Chambers under the Irradiation of Highly Brilliant X-ray Beam |
Japan |
BL47XU |
12 |
78 |
1998A0114-ND -np |
Yamakata |
Masaaki |
Effect of hydrostaticity for high pressure experiment of dristobalite(SiO2) |
Japan |
BL04B1 |
3 |
79 |
1998A0115-NL -np |
Tuda |
Motoyuki |
Structure of Gprotein coupling receptor (rhodopsina) |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL41XU |
1 |
80 |
1998A0116-NL -np |
Morimoto |
Yukio |
Evaluation of Laue diffraction date from the crystal of FMN binding protein |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL44B2 |
2 |
81 |
1998A0118-CL -np |
Morimoto |
Yukio |
Structure of Diol Dehydrase containing Vitamin B12 analogue |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL41XU |
3 |
82 |
1998A0119-NL -np |
Pai |
Emil |
Crystal structure analysis of the N-terminal SH2/SH3/SH2 composite domains of the human Ras-specific GTPase -activating -protein GAP120 complexed to a di- phosphorylated peptide comprising its target sequence at p190 |
University of Toront & ontario Cancer Institute |
Canada |
BL41XU |
6 |
83 |
1998A0122-NM -np |
Sakai |
Nobuhiko |
Magnetic Compton-Profile Methodology at 90° Scatterig Angle |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL08W |
24 |
84 |
1998A0123-NS -np |
Sakai |
Nobuhiko |
Study on magnetic metals using magnetic Compton-profile methodalogy |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL08W |
30 |
85 |
1998A0124-ND -np |
Sakai |
Nobuhiko |
Magnetic Comptou Scattering measurement with helicity switching |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL08W |
42 |
86 |
1998A0126-ND -np |
Koizumi |
Akihisa |
Orbital distribution of Mn-3d(eg) electrons in the perovskite system La1-xSrxMnO3 |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL08W |
21 |
87 |
1998A0127-NS -np |
Koizumi |
Akihisa |
X-ray magnetic circular dichroism on Gd/Fe/Al sputtered multilayer |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL39XU |
15 |
88 |
1998A0129-NL -np |
Shibata |
Naoki |
Crystal structure analysis of Hmc |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL41XU |
3 |
89 |
1998A0130-ND -np |
Ohtani |
Eiji |
Kinetics of the decomposition reaction of spinel MG2SiO4 to MgO and MgSiO3 perovskite |
Tohoku Univ. |
Japan |
BL04B1 |
9 |
90 |
1998A0131-ND -np |
Yoneda |
Akira |
Establishing equation of state of MgO and MgSiO3 perovskite based on simultaneous measurements of acoustic velocity and density |
Okayama Univ. |
Japan |
BL04B1 |
6 |
91 |
1998A0132-NM -np |
Kawado |
Seiji |
Detection of very minute strain in silicon by ultra-plane wave x-ray optics |
Sony Corporation |
Japan |
BL09XU |
9 |
92 |
1998A0133-CD -np |
Toraya |
Hideo |
Resolution tests of crystal analyzer and long horizontal parallel slits in powder diffraction experiments |
Nagoya Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL02B1 |
6 |
93 |
1998A0134-NX -np |
Ishii |
Masashi |
Study of Er local-structure in semiconductor micro-structure |
Japan |
BL10XU |
7 |
94 |
1998A0135-CS -np |
Okano |
Tatsuo |
Measurement of Internal Conversion Electrons from Monatomic Layer on Surfaces |
Univ. of Tokyo |
Japan |
BL09XU |
6 |
95 |
1998A0136-ND -np |
Ito |
Mashisa |
Direct observation of orbital magnetic moments of 3d trandition metal etements |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL39XU |
10 |
96 |
1998A0137-CM -np |
ito |
Masahisa |
Development of a monochromatic beam method of X-ray magnetic diffraction with a phase plate and linear polarizer |
Himeji Inst. of Tech. |
Japan |
BL39XU |
10 |
97 |
1998A0138-ND -np |
Funakoshi |
Ken-ichi |
X-ray structure analysese for silica and binary alkali silicate glass/melt under high-pressure |
Japan |
BL14B1 |
10 |
98 |
1998A0139-ND -np |
Suzuya |
Kentaro |
Lattice Dynamical Studies of Fe-based oxide glasses by Nuclear Resonant Inelastic Scattering |
Japan |
BL09XU |
9 |
99 |
1998A0140-ND -np |
Suzuya |
Kentaro |
High-resolution observation of short-range structure in amorphous materials by high-energy X-ray diffraction |
Japan |
BL08W |
18 |
100 |
1998A0141-NM -np |
Baron |
Alfred |
Speckle Without The Pinhole |
Japan |
BL47XU |
15 |